Friday, June 28, 2019

Happy 62nd birthday to my dear hubby! Unfortunately, the birthday boy has to work. Will be surprising him with the roses I sculpted when he gets up.

Didn’t sleep so great last time around. Nothing woke me up that I know of. I just kept waking up. So I’m a little tired today and don’t know if I’m going to go out for my walk. I’ll get enough physical activity around the house today doing laundry and things like that.

Really hope one of the dreams I had isn’t a sign! I had a period starting. I’m almost at the 9-month marker and would absolutely hate to reset the clock yet again! I don’t have any PMS symptoms, though. No water retention, no bloating, no sore boobs, no extreme hunger.

I also had a dream my mother was alive and we moved to Arizona with plans to stay there for a while and then move to Florida.

Then I was back in our Maricopa house only there were people sleeping in the smaller bedrooms for some reason. As I passed the bedroom furthest from the master bedroom one night on my way to bed, some guy was lying on a twin bed in that room. He got up and started mumbling crazy shit.

In the next dream, I guess I was some kind of party girl because I was hanging around with a group of people and we were drinking heavily. I was in a room with either a really long bed or a bunch of beds side by side. I was lying in one of the beds chatting with the others. I looked toward the window where I thought I saw these blinking lights and said, “Why are the cops here?”

Then I realized there was something wrong with my eyes and the flashing colors were actually coming from me.

Then I got up, not caring that I was stark naked, and began looking for my beer bottle (I hate beer in real life) among a cluster of other opened beer bottles sitting on a table. The dream ended with me trying to figure out which bottle was mine.

In the last dream, I held a DVD of some movie that Stacey had lent me. I knew I was supposed to leave it outside my door after I watched it and then tell her on Facebook to come and pick it up. I went browsing through a DVD collection I don’t have in real life in search of a movie I thought she might like and thought of what note I would enclose with it and whether or not I wanted to actually see her when she came to pick it up.

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