Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Good news! Well, anyone that knows me knows that I hate dieting but love working out. Especially walking. I hate stationary bikes, but most forms of exercise make me feel good and I actually enjoy doing them. The exciting thing is that I started keeping track of what I’ve been eating just out of curiosity to see what the calories happened to total when I’m not actively counting them. In doing so I’ve learned that I can have close to 2,000 calories and not gain weight as long as I keep active. :-) It still would be nice if I could stick to 1200 a day AND get results from it if I ever wanted to lose weight, but neither of these things will happen so it’s good that I can at least eat a comfortable amount which is usually between 1500-2000 calories based on my own specific needs and not gain as long as I keep my butt moving. There are many other health benefits besides just how it affects weight.

Because I’ve been slaving myself so hard and my muscles are still a bit sore, I may end up taking the day off except for dusting the place which I just finished doing.

Despite being fat, I love how prominent my shoulder and arm muscles are as well as my upper abs and parts of my legs. When I’m fully clothed you can’t tell because I still do have a decent amount of fat on me, but seeing it in the mirror when I’m not wearing much is a proud reminder of how hard I’ve worked. I don’t look fantastic, but I’ve definitely seen a lot worse for one my age. :-)

Bananas and blueberries are supposed to be best for boosting energy levels, but I’ve never found them to give me more energy. I think OJ does a much better job of perking me up.

In other good news, I finished my book, The Seduction of Suki, and now the proofreading and editing part begins. This is the part that’s harder than writing the book itself.

The only negative thing to report is that apparently, the winds don’t have to just be flowing to the north for the fucking planes to annoy me. They’ve been heading east all night and I can hear the bastards loud and clear. They have to be heading south and possibly west before they go fly over other people’s heads instead of mine.

I just hope the dream I had doesn’t mean anything. I woke up early in the evening after taking a nap. It was dark and Tom wasn’t home. First the electricity was out and when it came on, I stepped into the master bathroom and found the entire ceiling flooded.

Tom said if that happened that would mean there was a big storm and insurance would pay for it, but I would rather this not happen. Not even a little tiny leak.

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