Monday, December 16, 2019

Ordered a 14in all-vinyl doll named Elula for just $8 yesterday. She’ll arrive tomorrow. I want to see if the BFI doll clothes fit this type of doll. If not, I’ll have a cute doll in a cute outfit. This one has straight blonde hair to the shoulders with bright blue eyes. She wears a pink tunic with gray and white tights. She also has gold glitter shoes and a gold glitter hair bow. She’s from the Glitter Girls collection. The Wellie Wishers are too expensive and average $60. Too much for dolls this size. The Glitter Girls are normally $20. There’s another collection that averages $40 that I like that has dolls from different countries. I like the ones from Laos and India best and may eventually get them. They’re supposed to be able to share clothes.

The cases for the new phone came yesterday and while the glitter one is gorgeous, the beach scene isn’t as sharp and clear as it looked online because it’s actually textured. It’s still nice, though.

We replaced all 10 fluorescent bulbs in the kitchen with LEDs that say they last 44 years. They’re skinnier and super bright. If it wasn’t for the frosted panels in the drop-down ceiling, there would be no way I could stand it.

I might have had a productive weekend, but I sure had a rough night last night. I don’t know if it’s because I overate or if I ate something bad, but I really need to stop the weekend binge eating. I always do it with the idea of getting rid of it all, but I never do because it’s still such a gross thought and bad for the throat.

I felt horrible all night and I’m still a little queasy. Lots of heartburn and nausea. My heartburn is gone now but I’m kind of surprised I didn’t throw up. A part of me wished I would, too.

Because it just had to happen so close to bedtime, I woke up several times and again, there’s no doubt that something up there is cursing my sleep. If it isn’t noise waking me up, it’s shit like this, or I wake up just because. Why is it so important to whatever’s up there that I don’t sleep well? I’ll never be able to answer that one any more than why anything up there might not want me getting all the medication I need.

Two nights ago was my fault. I was dumb enough to turn off the brown noise when I woke up at 7:30. Then at 9, something loud roared by and woke me up.

The planes are back to being horribly annoying as well. The winds have to be heading south in order to shut them up and that just doesn’t happen very often. Later in the week, they should head south again because we’re going to get more rain. For now, it looks like we just hit freezing for the first time this year. Just going out in the 36-degree temperatures yesterday morning to the store was agonizing enough. It’s horribly cold. The thirties are torture for me.

We got rid of Netflix figuring that Hulu, HBO and Prime TV are enough. Netflix was getting really bad with foreign shit. I don’t know why they would think Americans want to sit and watch movies in Japan, Turkey or wherever. The rise in foreign movies is everywhere but at least Hulu has some American crime docs I don’t mind watching. Right now I’m watching Your Worst Nightmare and it’s pretty intense. Watching these things can be depressing and infuriating but it’s also a reminder of just how lucky I am in many ways.

Tom cleaned the hair out of the Roomba’s brush since I noticed it wasn’t picking up much when it would vacuum.

We also set up the new Echo clock and I paired the remote to it.

He was going to unclog the shower screen to up the water pressure since the fucking park clogs it up whenever they play water games with us, but it fixed itself on its own somehow.

When I stepped in the shower yesterday, I noticed it right away and figured he fixed it, but he said that when he was in the middle of showering, all of a sudden, it went back to full pressure. So if it wasn’t the park that fixed it, which I doubt that early in the morning, then whatever was blocking the screen slipped out of the way.

Anyway, due to being both tired and queasy, I told Dixie I would prefer to take it easy today and asked if tomorrow would be a good day to visit, and she said that would be fine.

Although I don’t know what good it will do me, I’ve been praying for both the Florida and Arizona scum not to give me any trouble, but not too hard because I still don’t know that I believe in prayer and I never really had a bad vibe warning me that trouble was ahead to begin with. I don’t even know if the bitch in Arizona even got the message or read it if she did. If she did, she’s already gone to the police, even though it was nothing illegal.

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