Friday, December 6, 2019

The washer used to play a little song when it would stop or we’d cancel it, but it seems to have stopped doing that for some reason. I still know when a load is done because I can hear the door release pop when it unlocks.

It’s great to know that Ginny’s back to being rented every day, but I’m definitely not going to make the royalties I made last month, thanks to the holidays. Maybe next month.

That’s weird. I looked in on Doc O for the first time in a while and it says she has 11 friends. I’ve got her son blocked but I’m still only seeing 7. Where are the other 3 that I should be able to see?

The fish didn’t bite on the entry I made to see if the termites are reading me. I told people they could ask me questions anonymously on Curious Cat and I may use them whenever I get a writing prompt that doesn’t pertain to me. Next year I’m going to be doing a daily writing prompt challenge, but some of them may not apply to me. I figured that if any of the termites were reading, they would happily let me know it on CC, but I didn’t get a single question, so I deleted the entry.

I was talking with a buddy about how much of an online presence I have and what’s easy to look up and what’s not. Right now I don’t have much of a digital presence other than my books. I can keep from sharing the link but that can’t keep it from being googled. I should have used a pen name but it’s a little late for that. It isn’t just about people getting pissed at me for whatever reason and then running to bash my books, but I also don’t want anyone that we may possibly do business with in the future to be able to learn that much about me personally from my journal. Most of the country supports illegals and believes they should be left alone. ICE is seen as evil as ISIS. I will never understand why what with the proven negative facts of ignoring illegals, and it’s okay if most people disagree with me. That’s not the problem. The problem is if someone learns of my opinion, disagrees with it, and then won’t sell or rent us a place or give him a job because of it. I’m really hoping we can somehow “sample” Florida before we buy a place there to see how it may affect my health in that kind of climate. A few days and even a few weeks may not be enough to tell me. It took six weeks for Simone to get me so I would want to spend a few months there first. If there’s a problem, we’ll likely head back out west to somewhere in New Mexico.

So that’s the basic reason for my becoming more private. What others know may hurt you. If you’re a friend then I don’t care what you learn about me be it through me or because you looked it up, not that everything we look up is accurate.

I swear Aly’s the only one I know that I wouldn’t have to worry about if she lived right next door. Meaning, she could move in one day and decide the next she hated my guts and I’d never have to worry about her messing with me like the termite and its offspring. Thank fucking God we never moved to Stuart!

I’m getting over what I would describe as a very half-assed cold. The day before yesterday I had a scratchy throat and yesterday I was very fatigued. The kind of fatigue associated with a cold. Tom said I felt a bit warm, too. It’s like it barely set in, though. I didn’t have most of the symptoms one usually has with a cold, thanks to my kick-ass immune system.

Today was a beautiful day of 64° but I didn’t get out for a walk. I got up later and had to catch up on things. By then it was windy and threatening to rain. I walked on the treadmill in spurts and did a video. I had no energy to work out yesterday and again I can’t help but feel like something is trying to interfere with me working out though I can’t imagine why if that’s true. I could work out for an hour or two every day, eat next to nothing, and still not lose a pound. It just makes me stronger and gives me more energy and endurance.

As most people do at this time of year, I’ve been eating too much and not nearly as healthy as usual. Although I don’t usually set New Year’s resolutions since very few people can stick to them and these goals can be set any time of the year, and diets don’t do me any good, I am definitely going to make a point of eating more unprocessed foods and less of it, too. Tom isn’t 80 yet. When he hits 80, we’ll only have so many years left and that’s when I’ll just eat whatever whenever. So, 18 more years!

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