Saturday, July 18, 2020

Day 5 of the nail stickers and they’re still looking great. However, I got an email saying that the designs I was expecting today are undeliverable because they encountered a problem along the way. So I picked out another set, and we’ll order it later along with Tom’s new joystick since I stole his for the car racing game.

Been having fun gaming on and off and trying to reach new levels and downloading new racetracks for variety. I wish I could really get into gaming. If I could get to be a really good gamer, maybe I could play for money. It’s just that you have to be really REALLY good at it. Not sure I could be that good at the usual games in which they play for money. For now, racing is not only fun at any time but it’s a good game to unwind with. Drank a little wine while I played yesterday evening before bed. Yes, I sometimes do drink and drive, LOL.

Slept better and feel more rested today. I’ll enjoy it while it lasts, of course, because I can’t even seem to go a week without ending up exhausted. So much so that as much as I don’t want to, I really should say no to future pets. I’m definitely done with rodents since guinea pigs are too much work and rats demand a lot of attention. I thought it would be cool to have a small dog that would be fun to take out for walks and not have any cages to clean, but I don’t know. I just don’t have enough energy enough days. I know Tom has more energy and would be willing to walk it on days that I couldn’t, but I still don’t know. Got a long time before we get to where we’re in a position to make that decision, though, so we’ll just see. Speaking of demanding, I’m being paged by Rockefeller right now for a veggie refill, so back in a sec.

Okay, last topic for the day. Kayla called from my doctor’s office yesterday wanting to convert my appointment to Zoom and as I told her, what would be the point of that when I’m supposed to be seen for my lymph nodes? Even the doctor said she wanted me to come into the clinic. So they double-checked with her and yes, I’ll be going into the office. I’m glad this was simple to clarify, but come on. You’re a doctor’s office for fuck’s sake. Shouldn’t you be more organized as far as who’s doing what? Seriously, it may be a minor misunderstanding, but it just seems that medical offices of any kind should be a little more up-to-date, informed and organized.

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