Tuesday, July 28, 2020

I read that you have 1-3 years to file a claim against someone for libel, depending on what state you live in, but what I wonder is this… If Person A libels Person B (Person B lives in a state that allows up to 1 year) in a post that’s private and then makes it public 6 months later and then 8 months later it’s seen by Person B, does the time count from when it was actually published even if it was done privately at first? Or from the time it was made public for anyone to see?

I also wonder about backdating. If you post something in June that you backdate to last January, do they check that and does it matter?

No, this doesn’t pertain to anything going on with me at the moment. I’m just curious as is my nature to be.

Aly said Kim’s sister found her Kindle and took that away along with her phones. Her only way online is through her Smart TV, but she can only use Twitter’s app. She’s surprised she knows how to use the app through that and figures someone must have shown her. Of course she’s asking Aly to contact June which isn’t going to happen. I don’t see any tweets from Kim since the 25th but that’s okay. We’re both enjoying the break from her. Sometimes silence really is golden!

In the last couple of days, I’ve been really hungry for some reason, although I’m not gaining weight despite all I’ve eaten. This means something’s going on to cause my body to burn more calories but I’m not sure what. Tom, who never gets hungry and eats just because he likes to eat, says all the working out he’s been doing on the Bowflex has been making him hungry. Yep, that will do it! Same with stress or a lot of thinking. I do focus a lot on my writing so who knows? It’s most likely due to hormones as I go further into menopause. But come on, already! Enough is enough! I shouldn’t be this hungry this often.

Made the mistake the other day of saying the power was off until 3:45. It was actually off until 4. It was off for a total of 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Twitter Annie is definitely not Blogger Annie. Twitter Annie is in Sweden and Blogger Annie is in Canada.

The new house was brought in today and Tom didn’t even know it until he stepped outside and saw it. They must have slipped in from the back because nothing woke me up. I’m relieved that the damn thing is finally here even though I’m sure someone else will wake me up around here sooner or later.

Walmart is both shitty and not. Lately, their red meats have been tough as hell, but I don’t get that very often anyway. They gave me tons of zucchini even though I only ordered one which is nice. Better to put up with them because no store is perfect, and you save a ton of money this way.

Over the next two weeks, fencing supplies will be delivered to us for the back corner when we replace the old rotted fence there. It’s not a very big area at all. Eventually, we’re going to put gravel down along the carport.

The DNA kits came today which were simple enough to use. There was a little funnel attached to a small tube. You spit up to the fill line after you’ve made sure not to eat or drink for a half-hour. Then you close the cap on the funnel until you hear it click. It then releases a chemical into the stick that helps protect the DNA in various temperatures. Since we couldn’t fit it in the outgoing mail slot of the mailbox here, we drove to a mailbox in a residential area. It was still warm out, but it should be okay. It’s down to 71 degrees but it’s going to get up to 100 tomorrow. I don’t know what time that box is picked up. I’ve lived in places where the mail came as early as 9:30 in the morning and other places where it didn’t come until the late afternoon.

After you release the chemical, you twist off the funnel, cap the tube, and send it back in the box it came in. We created accounts and registered the kits. I did their survey which had a ton of medical questions. My main reason for doing it is for medical analysis. It would still be cool to find out where I’m from and the percentages of what countries I’ve got in me, but I don’t care about specific relatives, famous, infamous or not. In fact, we both opted out of allowing relatives to look us up. He doesn’t want his family contacting him and I don’t want mine contacting me.

We did give them permission to store our DNA and to use it for research.

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