Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Fell asleep around 5 and woke up right before 8 to pee. It was then that I realized I was nauseous and had likely eaten something bad. Probably the tilapia which was the last thing I ate before bed. I had noticed a funny little spot on it but didn’t think much of it. I took a Tums and lay there for a while with nausea coming and going in waves until I finally puked. Fortunately, I didn’t get as bad as the last time I experienced food poisoning since it didn’t last as long, and I didn’t have the runs. A few hours later I fell back asleep for a few more hours, so I’m a little tired today but not as tired as I could be. My stomach is still a bit queasy too, but I doubt I’ll throw up again.

Funny how I don’t puke since the late '90s in Phoenix – not in Maricopa, not in K-Falls, not in Auburn – then I come here and puke TWICE. The last time was a year or two ago.

Fitbit thinks my heart spiked to 163 after I got up. Hope that’s wrong and that I didn’t A-fib.

Even though I’ve known Aly for a dozen years now, we continue to really get to know and understand each other which is nice. I think she understands that some bad experiences mean you don’t go back to where you were before. You go through medical trauma like I did, you don’t quite go back to where you were. Just like you don’t quite see some people in the same light after you go through the legal shit I went through in Arizona. As I told her, I can totally see how a woman being raped could really change her view of men and even become violent and abusive towards them in the future.

So do I have a problem with the black person who treats me with kindness and respect at a doctor’s office or in some store or wherever? Absolutely not. Do I have a problem with them as a whole? Yeah, kind of, but then the older I get, like most older people, I just don’t care for people in general no matter who or what they are.

Right or wrong, I like to check crime rates and “pies” when considering moving to a new area. I would prefer 70 to 75% vanilla.

Tampa is predominantly black and can be dangerous as well. Raj and Tina up in Oregon told me they hated it there and had problems with blacks there as did other family members. I don’t care if I have to shop with certain people, I just would prefer not to live with them. So Tom began checking out this new area that he hadn’t checked out or considered before and that’s the northern part of the Gulf Coast. Towns like Palm Harbor, Largo, Port Richey and Clearwater are predominantly white, but they’re close enough to Tampa if you ever need to go to the city for something that’s not in the smaller towns.

The problem with Venice is that their space rents are too high, almost comparable to here. In this area, they go down to the 400s. That’s a third of this place! It would probably be an old dumpy single-wide. Even though it would be in a park and I’m sure the neighbors would find a way to annoy me, it would only be for a few months and it would be fun to be able to bike ride just a mile away to the beach during that time. I’m definitely not going to want to stay there and have those big loud commercial mowers come right up to the bedroom window when I’m sleeping, even if it wouldn’t be an everyday event like the loud blowers are here. I also have no reason not to believe that motorcycles and power tools wouldn’t be a regular annoyance as well.

The Palm Harbor area is about 100 miles away from the termites which is comforting. Any less than that, and there’s a risk of them driving to us if they found out our address. I wouldn’t put it past them to “surprise” us by doing that. We’re still going to do what we’re going to do, though. If we find the perfect place on the Atlantic side that’s near them, so be it. But the gulf side is more appealing. They would be likelier to have smaller cruise ships, and the waves would be a little tamer than on the other side.

I still do intend to get things off my chest by sharing those excerpts, and when it comes time to do that, I’ll temporarily deactivate on Facebook so Sarah can’t create a new account to come at me from.

Tom got a strange text from Vermont asking, “Are you Tom S?” He didn’t reply, assuming it’s connected to something he signed up for and they just want to sell him something. If it’s really that important, they can elaborate from there.

This is kind of weird, though I’m sure it doesn’t have anything to do with me. Maybe someone they knew found their account. There was a new account, Aloha, on PB and we hit it off right away, exchanging comments and all that. Pretty sure they were in Reno. I recently noticed they deleted their account but I’m still seeing Reno on my visitor list, so they must have created a new account. Why haven’t they contacted me, though?

I’ve only heard two planes since I’ve been up, so they’re not up to maximum annoyance yet.

We hope to fly out of here first class but that will only be if it wouldn’t impact our plans for when we got to Florida. I was laughing with Tom earlier thinking how different of an exit that would be compared to how we came in. We came into the state in a dumpy old truck, so to leave first class would be quite a step up.

When I finally fell back to sleep after puking, it was off to another popular negative dream theme for me and that’s the stolen purse dream. I didn’t know Tom in the dream. I lived in a huge building. Not sure if it was some kind of apartment building or hotel but my mother, who seemed to be around 50, worked in the building as a housekeeper.

I went to watch a movie in a community lounge with three other people who were in their 20s or so. There was a closet with an open door just off of it where you could put your coat and purse. Bored with the movie, I got up and grabbed something be it a sweater or something else, and then looked down at a royal blue purse of mine that sat inside a larger bag. I thought of taking it with me but then decided it would be okay since I would be back soon. So I took off even though I thought better of it and had a bad feeling. The more that feeling came over me, I decided to head back to the now-empty lounge and found someone had stolen the purse.

Then I ran and found my “mother” and told her that while they didn’t get any cash, my license, passport and credit card had been in the bag. I began to panic and feel overwhelmed when I thought of all I would have to do to try to stop the person from ripping me off and maybe even stealing my identity all because I was too lazy to take the damn purse with me.

It took a year and a half, but I finally had a weak moment and messaged Christiane. Or Lisette or whatever her real name is. She doesn’t appear to have read my message which is a little surprising because her last check-in appears to be a day ago. I don’t know what’s going on in her life so I can’t say if she just hasn’t checked her messages, or if she read it, marked it as unread, and plans to blow me off. Right now my feeling is that she’s blowing me off because I didn’t just ask about her. I asked about Nane as well. Time will tell!

I’m bad, LOL, cuz I also messaged sexy doc as if we were having a live chat. Plus, I created “nicknames” which you can now do and which both sides see. So she’s Sexy Doc and I’m Gulf Girl, haha.

It was nice to find that OD now allows free members. I just can’t code my entries for tracking because they don’t allow links for free members but that’s okay. It’s not really necessary there. What I love about it is that I can choose to have entries expire in 24 hours or a week. I decided to go with a week. That way I can drop my thoughts on the world and feel like I can be more open in a place that Aly doesn’t use as far as I know, and the posts don’t have as much time to be discovered with them expiring. I’ve disabled comments because I may get a little more controversial there.

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