Saturday, September 12, 2020

The fucking water was off for 8 hours yesterday. Oh, to be able to take showers during the daytime and not worry that they’re going to turn the water off, not that they can’t turn it off at night.

I’m thrilled to learn that there are some parks in Florida that don’t allow pets at all. Since I don’t know what the dog situation is there or if it may be worse than the parks here, why not? That’s pretty much the only thing that’s been better here than expected, but I came to realize that’s because most people in the West believe they don’t belong indoors. But I don’t know what the attitude is in Florida. If everybody’s got them and is okay with them being household pets and not something you just throw outside, that means more of them will be walked which will mean more barking as they pass by our place. The only dogs here that sometimes get annoying are Santa’s.

So if we eliminate the dogs and get out of a flight path and a little further from traffic then that leaves just projects and landscaping until we buy land somewhere and push sounds further away from us. Hopefully, then we’ll only hear things outdoors and what we hear inside will be minimal. There sure are some places on islands and peninsulas, though, that would be worth a bit of noise. But the best of the best is for the rich, so I’m sure we’ll end up in an average home in an average park with an average view until we get land. Also, the state that land ends up being in depends on if I can breathe and sleep in Florida through the humidity and thunder.

I’m mega-tired today. I was up forever and didn’t sleep as long. Let me guess…it’s back to being exhausted every few days, right? All good things really do come to an end. :-(

I vaguely remember dreaming about him and I asking his dead mother where she wanted to eat, and then something about Johnson. It’s been a while since she’s shown up in my dreams.

I vaguely remember the stench of skunks too, not surprisingly.

I’m amazed that despite all the content in my dream blog on Blogger and how long it’s been there, it gets virtually no traffic. I realize I could make my blog containing my entire journal from the '80s on up to now public and no one would ever notice. I don’t think things like that would be all that interesting to people until they’re over 100 years old or so, though. I’ve noticed that most people seem to only care about current posts but not those from a year or two ago unless they deal with someone famous. So I think they’ll get more curious about older posts the older they get. The idea of someone possibly reading about my life hundreds or thousands of years from now if humanity still exists is kind of neat. :-) But then they wouldn’t get a lot of what I was saying with the way I would abbreviate or give things/people nicknames, especially in the pre-internet years.

A PB friend of mine voted “in hundreds of years” on a Twitter poll where I asked if I should share them never, now, when I die, or in hundreds of years. At least I think it was her since she replied to a message around the same time.

In the evening, when Aly would have been around, I got a “never” vote. Well, she may be curious (if she can’t hack into them) but at the same time, she wouldn’t want anything negative published about her even if there were no full names. Don’t know for sure that it was her. It could have been just a random stranger. But my gut says it was her.

It’s so smokey out there that Tom said he could look right at the sun when he was out watering earlier. It gives a false sense of being a cloudy gloomy day. I can already feel summer slowly beginning to slip away. The AC no longer runs early in the morning.

Just when I thought the serious/critical virus cases would slip under 60k for the first time in ages, it seems to be pushing back up.

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