Wednesday, September 9, 2020

My real email address is plugged into my private Twitter account. If Aly ever blocks it, I’ll know that she’s been looking up accounts of mine. I will also know if she spots my last OD entry before it expires because she’ll delete her “secret” Twitter account or change handles if she does. She may change handles eventually anyway.

I decided to block her on my private Twitter account as well as the one I was doing video tweets on. I can still view her tweets without unblocking her. I just don’t want the accounts recommended to her even though she wouldn’t necessarily know the private one was me. I don’t think she’s spying as much as I thought. Meaning that I don’t think she’s hacking accounts she knows she can get away with hacking. But she could still look for info on me through a paid search whenever the hell she happens to feel like doing so. I hate that people can pay to look up where I’ve signed up. Is that really any of their fucking business?

The other day I noticed that no outsiders had viewed my past two stories on Facebook and figured that the non-friend viewers had been Kim and Aly who are no longer there as far as I know. But yesterday 3 outsiders viewed my story (a rat pic) so I guess they could be anybody.

On my walk yesterday morning I found it to be a bit cloudy and a touch humid even though it was breezy and there was no smoke yet. I was a little warm when I got back since it was almost 80° at that point. I have a little fan attached to a spray bottle that I cooled myself off with, plus I kicked the AC on.

The one thing I hate about coming up Oak is that that’s where most of the dog walkers tend to be and I hate to be stopped to chat about what a beautiful day it is or something like that when I’m supposed to be working out. A woman did stop me for a second to tell me I was fast since she first saw me on Astro. Well, I do run some of the way.

A couple of days ago, I felt huge and out of shape when I was out there for some reason, but yesterday I breezed through my route easily. I’m down a pound too. I’m almost always 155 or 156. There’s very little fluctuation with me. Every now and then I’ll drop to 154 or climb to 157.

Fortunately, the sky didn’t smell smokey when I was walking with all the horrifying and heartbreaking fires going on in the state and now even up in Oregon. By this time next year, I should have traded in fires for hurricanes. The sky became eerily brown blocking out the sun to a degree later in the afternoon as the winds picked up, and OMG, the fucking stench of skunks! Please tell me that’s not going to be an issue in Florida!

I walked on, waved at a black guy who works here that was disinfecting one of the benches and soon found that Fitbit thought I climbed 4 sets of stairs today as opposed to 3 yesterday, even though I took the same route and actually climbed some hills, not stairs.

My heart went on the fritz again yesterday and I have no idea why. I was feeling warm and flustered and then it raced for a while making it up to around 115. I felt slightly anxious too, and the fact that these can be possible symptoms of heart trouble didn’t help either, though as far as I know, my heart is still healthy. Could be hormonal. I swear I’ve noticed faint cramps like my body is trying to kick off a period. Most of it was after having something sugary so maybe that was part of it, and also, Tom thinks the prospect of him going back to work soon may have triggered it. Trauma. It really does scar you for life no matter how much better you may get overall. I’m not as anxious as I used to be when left alone, but I still don’t like it either.

I’m also having that groin pain as well but now that I know it’s not connected to swollen lymph nodes, I’m thinking some kind of muscle, ligament or tendon. Again, I’m 54 and not 24. I can’t expect to be as active as I used to be as much as I wish I could.

I also had a bit of pain in my upper left back below the neck and a little above the shoulder blade but that was likely connected to my TMJ which can move down the neck and into that part of the shoulder/back area. Back pain associated with heart problems is usually between the shoulder blades from what I read.

I feel slightly warm and anxious now and have a touch of fatigue so I may take it easy today. I don’t know if I want to go out walking. Especially if it’s smokey. I may just use the skier today. We are going to Safeway, though. We’re going to grab some scratch tickets because I’ve been having a feeling about winning lately, though I don’t know how much.

Some candle company based in Texas called about a Quality Control Specialist job, but they fail to realize this is California, not Texas. You can’t live on the same wages here. He asked for $19 and they said they’d call back after they check to see if they were willing to go that high, but it doesn’t look like they are. Also, the job would be in Auburn where we used to live and that’s about a 40-minute drive.

I realize that if I keep my hair short, and I likely will since I’m sick of dealing with long hair, then I have room to move around when it comes to colors. Blondes and reds are out of the question but some of the deep dark auburn colors and even burgundy should look nice.

Wow, a Lifetime movie with a childless married couple! It’s about time. Now let’s have some single moms who aren’t divorced or widowed and some more gays and lesbians. Just when I was bitching that it was usually the men winning the fights against women, there was one movie where a woman beat a guy to death and then another where she strangled one to death so it’s nice to see a little more equality there.

Oh, and I know that most people believe that the mentally ill deserve compassion and all that and while I get their point, it’s a little hard to feel compassion when so many of them cause so much trouble. Obsessive behavior, stalking, trolling, intense mood swings, lying, a lack of empathy, selfishness, laziness…how do you have compassion for that?

Because I feel slightly wound up I should probably go do the EFT exercises that I haven’t done in a while and try not to dwell on the three possibilities that could, however unlikely it may be, delay the move. That would be one of us getting sick, one of us getting injured, or him being offered a job with an insane amount of money. We like money the same as anyone else but would still like to move as planned. No one’s ever paid him an insane amount of money yet, though, so I don’t see why they’d start now unless something’s more determined than even I realize to keep me in a noisy place.

We were checking out homes on peninsulas on the outer side of the Tampa Bay and OMG, that area is so damn gorgeous that living with noise, as long as I could sleep, would actually be worth it! I would just love to be a peninsula girl. It’s funny as I was running around like a little kid chanting to Tom, “I want to be a peninsula girl!” We checked out this awesome beach that’s basically a peninsula of its own that I would love to be able to visit whenever.

We saw this house (a regular house built on a slab foundation like what we had in Phoenix) for 90k but it was in the mainstream and I’m sure it would be quite noisy. It was still neat to see a house go for what goes for a quarter-million here. But the loud vehicles and old men wielding circular saws are enough. I don’t want to add partying college kids, screaming kids, welfare bums, barking dogs, and boom car stereos to the mix. So unless it’s on the end of the peninsula, which we’re pretty much guaranteed never to be able to afford, it’s best to start off in an adult park and then get land in central Florida if I can stand the climate or land in another state. It’s easier to get out of a park than to get out of land since there’s more demand for parks, especially senior parks in Florida. So that’s why we’re going to start there. But it’s almost certainly going to be just an ordinary house with an ordinary view. I’d love to have a water view be it a lake or the ocean, but I just don’t see that happening. And again, it would only be for a few months. I’m pretty much all or nothing in that if we can’t afford something spectacular on a peninsula where all ages are likely to reside, then I would rather return to country living. It isn’t just about getting peace when I’m awake, but I need to sleep. I can’t be woken up constantly when I’m on nights like I almost certainly would in a park. Of course, I still don’t know how often the storms are going to wake me up but that’s what we’re going to find out. With many of the parks, the mowers go right up to the houses, and of course you would have dog walkers milling about with barking that might wake me up. Worse would be a carport running alongside the place with a loud vehicle of some kind. I think we could improve on the general traffic and planes, but we’re not going to get away from the projects and power tools. They’re just too widespread these days. You don’t need to rent circular saws anymore. Anyone can walk into a store and grab one for 50 bucks or less. Like I said, no way I’m putting up with it for the rest of my life. I’m not going to be a peninsula girl, but you can bet I’m going to be a country girl again!

It was interesting that you can not only look up the racial breakdown of a particular town but a particular block as well. I don’t know how they know this or that I’d trust it since people do move. I just don’t want to give history a chance to repeat itself where a different race makes trouble for us, has a friend on the police force, and every single fucking lie they tell is automatically believed as it is in most of a country. So what if you may be vindicated in the end because enough complaints were finally filed against the pig when it’s already six months, thousands of dollars, and a whole shitload of anguish too late.

There’s this site that thinks our place is worth around 120K - 130K. We’ve seen dumps in dumpier parks go for around 80K, but I doubt we’ll pocket much more than 30K - 60K after all the fees are paid out in the end.

Took a little break to get some stuff at Safeway…wine, snacks and tickets. The two scratch tickets won us a lousy $4. Annie’s original snack mix is boring but an okay snack. I’d give Sutter Home’s White Zinfandel a 7.5. I’ll try their Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Grigio later.

At least I’m feeling calm now and didn’t need to do EFT or take Ibuprofen for my back pain since they both went away on their own.

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