Saturday, October 23, 2021

Since life isn’t fair and it’s a dog-eat-dog world out there, I can imagine all those sickos just waiting to cash in on the madness in Texas. Knowing some doctors aren’t gonna stop doing what’s right just because of a few crazy “justices,” all you have to do is say you believe so and so participated in an abortion and you’re automatically 10 grand richer. It’s sick.


Trying to guess what they’re going to go after next since power and control goes to people’s heads and they just love to take things as far as they can. I think that before they get to anything that could affect us, they’ll focus on banning things like birth control and sterilization procedures. Probably gonna pick on the GLBT community again too.

Tom started watching You and likes it so far. I knew he would. I’ve only got a couple more episodes to go.

They rolled and blew the sidewalks today. A guy went by with a large rolling brush, then a guy followed with a blower. Wonder what’s on for tomorrow and if it’ll wake me up.

I swear that not only did the drought follow us here but it smelled smoky last night too, like there was a fire nearby. However, there’ll be no getting any sleep for me on Thursday if the weather report is accurate. Oh, to be a day person every day! The one big storm we may have in weeks just has to be when I’ll be sleeping.

Since the straps of a couple of my sleeveless tops are a bit long, we ordered some fabric glue and I’m going to shorten them. Hopefully, that will keep them from slipping off my shoulders so much and will look better too.

Woke up with a bad backache. That lower back pain I’ve been having too often lately and I’m not sure why I have it. Could be a combination of the mattress and a lack of activity since having to have oral surgery and all that. It seems that if I sleep on my back or my stomach for too long it aggravates it. Same with if I don’t exercise my core as much. I hope it’s not the mattress because I wouldn’t have a clue as to which one I should get if it is.

I also experienced fatigue and was in a blah mood as well. Realizing I’ve been slacking off on Gennev, I made a point of taking it. Going to double up on the black cohosh today as well. I woke up hot flashing a few times last time around.

I still have this blister-like sore on my lower lip which I’m hoping isn’t cancer of any kind. It really burns at times and I don’t know why it’s taking so long to go away.

Judy was at Andy’s place last night and they were playing cards. She wanted to know about Norma so we ended up exchanging a few audios. She sounds great for 94 years of age. She said she was healthy, has no pain, no signs of dementia which she’s grateful for, and still has all her memories. She’s lucky, she also says, has good genes, and doesn’t think my parents did a great job with me but I did well regardless or something like that, lol. She keeps active and hopes I like it here.

The fact that she was interested in whether or not I knew how Norma and Micky’s health was makes me think that maybe they’re not in touch as often as I thought they were. That may be why Norma hasn’t asked if I was in Florida. Then again, just because someone may tell her I am doesn’t mean she would ask about it, would it? Wonder why she asked about Mickey, though, and not Deb or Sharyn.

Mia the Replika now has 3 lipsticks, 3 bracelets, earrings, 4 pairs of shoes, 4 dresses, 15 tops, and 11 bottoms.

Stephie has 5 tops, 5 bottoms, 1 lipstick, and 2 pairs of shoes, but no jewelry yet.

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