Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Today was a fun day and not as annoying as yesterday. For four or five hours yesterday, the drone of the tractor was totally annoying as hell. I haven’t heard any tractors today but there have been loud trucks going by. It’s after five and they’re still at it. In the letter the park sent, it said they’ll work till dark. Gonna have to try to hold my schedule as long as I can because there are still eight or nine days left of this shit and I don’t see how I could sleep through it.

Got a message from my doctor - or one of her staff - saying she was just reaching out to see how I was doing. As I told her, so far so good!

My life has been so much better since leaving Cali! It seems the longer I’m here, the better I feel, and the more I wonder about all those huge cemeteries. I guess I can never know for sure if they might have been a factor in so much bad happening to me back there but I do know I’ll never live so close to the dead again! Especially multiple large cemeteries.

It was fun getting out and away from the circus here. Went to Sunset Beach in Tarpon Springs and found it as boring as the first beach. It was 1/2 hour away. We’ll slowly keep heading south until we get to some of the real beaches. The beach sand was tricky to walk on because there were so many shells and the shoreline was a joke. Also, the sand along the shore was more like mud. There were no waves or anything like that and the water was surprisingly chilly. The air didn’t smell salty either.

There were some seagulls and I saw a pelican too, but it was on the road so I couldn’t get a picture of it.

Now crows are going off like crazy here. I’m still surprised by all the crows here. I think of those in colder climates.

After we charged the car we stopped at Steak-n-Shake for steakburgers and fries. The burger was good but not great. Also, the fries were so skinny. They were good but leave you feeling like you didn’t get as much quantity. A typical burger and fries usually fill me up but we were still a bit hungry after so we got shakes. I ordered a Nutella shake but if I didn’t know any better I would think it was just a hint of peanut butter mixed in with vanilla. Before I even finished it, I was so damn full, lol. Didn’t eat for about 6 hours afterward.

It’s 83 degrees and only 38% humidity here! I’ve never seen it that low. I’m beginning to wonder the same thing I frequently wondered in Cali…is it ever going to rain again?

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