Monday, October 18, 2021

Thank you, Liz, for doing a great job of cutting my hair! Instead of going to this wife-and-husband salon, I decided to look for Supercuts, which is where I’d go in Cali. I figured that being a chain, they’d have one nearby so we went to the one in Spring Hill where my dentist is.

I’m so glad they don’t creep on the roads here like they did in Cali and Arizona. The long lights kind of make up for it, though.

After getting my hair done, we zipped over to Walmart. It was kind of a zoo but I’ve seen it worse. He got the soda that he wasn’t able to get when we had food delivered yesterday and I got the chicken wings which I can’t seem to get online to save my life. Inflation is everywhere these days so it was 15 bucks for a large tray of wings but they’ll last a while.

It was beautiful out. Much more comfortable than when it was really hot and humid. It almost felt like late May at the old place. It was the coolest morning since we’ve been here at just 60 degrees. The AC didn’t run for a while. It’s not even November yet, so I’m a little worried that December and January might be quite nippy. If it weren’t for my hate for crowds and how expensive it is, I would have wanted to be in Miami. The weather there is perfect year-round.

The roads aren’t done yet but they’re working somewhere in the park. Ugh, 10 more days left of this shit. Then who knows what they’ll do next. Tom doesn’t think so, but I think they’ll replace the fence in back with those white plastic fences they have in other parts of the park. Wouldn’t be surprised if they did something to the sidewalks too, along with who knows what else.

He’s fixing the damaged window screens little by little. Snowbirds or not, the people that were in here really let the place go.

Cheap or not, the nail polish remover I got was a waste of money because I remembered that I have that metal 2-in-1 pusher/scraper. It would probably be hard to do on fingernails because they’re bigger but I was able to push off my old toenail polish with it. I could also push off the polish that got on my pedicure step that’s in the shower. Soon I’ll find out how it works on porcelain when I go to touch up Bailey’s toenails.

The AC blower was acting weird and then he realized he hadn’t changed the filter since we first moved in, and they’re supposed to be changed every month. So he got a filter subscription on Amazon where he gets 6 every 6 months.

I haven’t gotten all the clothes I ordered yet, but so far one of the dresses is being returned because it doesn’t quite look like it appears online and is a bit snug on me. A few pieces are too big but not to the point that I can’t wear them. I really worry about the swimsuit I ordered as it can’t be returned if it doesn’t fit.

He assembled the other cabinet and I set that up today with mostly arts and crafts supplies.

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