Thursday, December 2, 2021

So the fucking movers did give away some of our stuff. I’m not surprised. I knew that if they gave us other people’s stuff they had to have given others our stuff as well. Fortunately, it wasn’t anything important. Just pieces of floor foam squares as well as an extender for a duster and a strip of LED lights.

Trying to keep my mind off of the crazy shit going on in this country as the war on women rages on. It probably won’t be until the summer when abortion is illegal in half the country, but still. It’s fucking sickening. It’s just ridiculous that after all these years of agreeing on when viability begins that this is suddenly up for debate after 50 fucking years. Do any of these so-called “justices” realize just how utterly idiotic some of their statements are? Coney-Barrett says no one’s forced into motherhood. All a woman has to do is surrender it to a Safe Haven. Then they can resume whatever careers and whatnot they want to do.

Oh, right. Like she could just carry on as if nothing ever happened. The idiot also doesn’t seem to understand why adoption isn’t a great solution to abortion. Um, maybe because a woman is a fucking woman and not a host. I’m sorry there are people out there who can’t have the kids that they want, but since when is it a woman’s responsibility to make someone else’s dream come true?

I hear of rappers getting shot all the time and I wonder why the hell it can’t be some of these so-called “justices.”

What’s next, telling us we can’t kill animals for food because, hey, they’re certainly viable, right? I can just imagine all the shit to come. Once they see they can get away with this, they’ll be even more determined to pull off whatever else they can in the name of “God” and control. The power of control is a real natural high for a lot of people and I just don’t understand why so many people get off on it. I never wanted anyone to tell me what to do, but I never wanted to tell others what they could do either. Yet I really fear for this country when it comes to things like freedom of speech and other things.

Gotta laugh at the delusional shits that say the Texas abortion law has cut abortion way down and is “working.” Yeah, it’s “working” because doctors aren’t reporting the abortions they’re still performing. Because women are self-aborting by punching their stomachs or taking foods, teas and drugs that aren’t good for fetuses. Because women are getting abortion pills. Because women are going to other states. Seriously, do they really think the law actually stops abortion as opposed to just making it harder?

Started the Zetia today. For a minute, it seemed like a wave of tiredness and dizziness came over me about 10 minutes after taking it, but I was fine. I don’t think I’ll stay fine though, because I’m such a magnet for side effects. That’s alright, though, because this will be the last thing I try and I still say the need for cholesterol medication is overexaggerated. Because I don’t smoke and I’m active enough, there really is no reason, at least according to my research, that I can’t live a full life even with high cholesterol. There’s a way to calculate what it should drop my cholesterol to if I can tolerate it. It should drop it to around 280, which would still be high, but better than 320.

I still say I would rather not live as long and not have to deal with side effects and always have to be so health conscious rather than extend my life and make that life harder. One could really drive one crazy if one focused too much on their health. I just want to live for however long I am meant to live.

Anyway, I guess diarrhea is the main side effect of this one. It also makes you more likely to catch a cold, but with my immune system that’s very unlikely. I go years in between colds.

My stomach was totally on the fritz yesterday. I forgot that the black cohosh gives me gas and causes me to be too poopy if I take two a day. I love how effective it is on the hot flashes but I think I’d rather flash than spend so much time on the toilet.

We played another round of golf earlier. Yesterday’s course theme was a boring barren desert. Today’s was an ugly gothic theme. It was still a lot of fun, even though I still suck at it.

It’s amazing all the different places I can visit. I can go deep-sea diving in Thailand and observe all kinds of beautiful tropical fish. I can fly into space. I can even enjoy a performance from a pole dancer and a belly dancer.

As for VR walking tours on the treadmill…I don’t think so. The problem with those things is that I’m oftentimes floating above people’s heads rather than on the ground walking along with them. Plus it was moving the wrong way. The guy filming a walking tour I checked out in Italy was walking toward my right. I’m sure there’s a way to adjust that, but I think I would prefer to do puzzles while I walk.

Looking forward to playing bowling together in the Rec Room and I also want to find some kind of fitness video that might be fun. The one where you sit on the floor and you row while it appears as if you’re really in a boat on water seems really cool. It has other exercises you do in a variety of different environments.

Tom worked on his room and we got the purple curtains up in mine. It looks so much better because it covers the ugly window inserts. The whole bedroom looks beautiful except for the one big eyesore in the middle…the “doghouse.”

I reorganized my clothes. Next will be the decorative part. I still have to rearrange the closet as well. I’ve been going back and forth in my mind as to whether or not I wanted a Barbie organizer, and I decided that yes, I do. So I’m going to get a pink holder with clear pockets that you hang on a door like a shoe holder. I also got one with smaller zippered compartments for my animal figures.

I looked at the dates on the last half a dozen or so of Alyssa’s cover and profile pictures and I can’t help but wonder if she’s been so inactive because of me or because she’s busy with work and motherhood. I know having kids doesn’t leave you with much of a life and that she would suck up every free moment she had, but it still seems a bit odd that she used to be consistent in changing pictures a few times a year and now she hasn’t changed either in 2.5 years. Her friend count remains the same, give or take a couple, so I’m guessing it has nothing to do with me. I think she just doesn’t have much of a life outside of her regular responsibilities. Besides, if she was that bothered by me that she felt she couldn’t post things as often that would be visible to others, all she would have to do is block me.

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