Thursday, December 9, 2021

That we live in a world where a pre-viable fetus with zero awareness matters while a woman with hopes, dreams, feelings, and sometimes health and financial issues don’t is truly frightening. That we can further traumatize her to carry the fruit of her rapist is absolutely appalling and unacceptable.

But despite the craziness going on in the world, I am going to enjoy writing for myself for the first time in many years. Yes, the craziness is part of it because I know it’s only a matter of time before they attack the Internet and social media, but I just get sick of censoring and editing. Watching my visitor list just isn’t exciting anymore. However, that doesn’t mean I’m going to give up on sharing things altogether. I’m still sharing stories, and I made a template for my public journal account where I can share the highlights of my life in weekly updates. It just won’t be anything too personal. I share mostly the weather, what I’m eating, what shows and movies I’m watching, and what I’m reading.

I still hope that when I’m gone all of my stuff can be published. I don’t know how long it will exist in cyberspace, but however long it does is fine. I don’t know if the sickos in Phoenix (if they’re even still there) or the termite will ever live long enough to stumble upon and read their stories, but maybe the baby termites. In fact, I don’t mind one of us happily pointing out the link to them when I’m gone. The question is, am I going to go first because of a sudden heart attack since I can’t treat my cholesterol? Or are we going to learn that he’s terminally ill and go together?

The planes continue to be unpredictable. Sometimes I hear them and sometimes I don’t.

We went to Walgreens a couple of days ago and if I didn’t know any better I would swear it just finished raining. There was so much moisture in the air and the car was drenched. They stopped selling single bottles of wine which sucks. I definitely liked the old Rite Aid better than this place.

I was tired all day yesterday because my bladder shorted my sleep. Six hours isn’t quite enough for me. I was tired all day and then at the end of my day, I started to feel like I had a cold. I still do too, but it’s very mild. I swear something up there does not want me working out full-time!

I hope I didn’t catch anything at Walgreens, although I didn’t see anyone else around. Just two employees and I’m pretty sure they both had masks on. At least it doesn’t smack of COVID. I just feel run down and I have a slightly scratchy sore throat. I also get that feeling overall that we get when we have a cold. It’s sort of like a lightheaded feeling. I start to think I’ll have enough energy to go out walking later this morning, but then I realize I don’t. At least I have the energy to put up my doll and animal holders! They’re great, although Barbies with big fancy gowns can’t go in them.

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