Sunday, March 6, 2022

I have some exciting news! So much so that it’s like my brain “blew up” with shock when I read the message from Galileo because I was just so stunned. My brain buzzed with excitement, hope, and caution. They consulted with their thyroid experts and recommended I try Tirosint. This still has the same active ingredient of T4, but without as many of the binders and fillers as Levothyroxine. It also helps you absorb it easier so your levels don’t fluctuate, which may explain why my anxiety comes and goes.

Because it’s not a generic brand, we may have to pay for it and I guess we have to order it through the mail from a pharmacy in Mississippi since Walgreens doesn’t stock it. I’ll do ANYTHING to get back to my old self and get rid of this horrible feeling! I’ve always known this wasn’t normal for me, and I’ve always suspected the medication. But I’m so afraid to get my hopes up as excited as I am after so many things have been a bust. I’m so sensitive to medication and always have a problem so I’m trying not to be too hopeful. Even so, it’s kind of hard not getting a bit excited with hopes of it ending this shit.

Galileo said to call them and see if they carry the 88 micrograms they recommend I start with. If they do, they’ll write me a prescription for it. But it’s Sunday, so probably going to have to wait till tomorrow.

I wonder why I haven’t heard of this stuff before. Why didn’t Doc O or anyone else bring it up? Is it something new? We never even came across it in our research. The only alternative to Levothyroxine that I knew about was Armor.

Here’s some potentially good news I just found. Why did I do so well over the summer? I asked myself. Well, more investigation suggests that because I was taking Gennev when it was time to have my coffee, I really did block the absorption of the poison. That would explain why I had so many months where I was exhausted but didn’t have anxiety. Also, certain types of iron and cholesterol meds can block the absorption of thyroid hormone. So it isn’t just calcium and vitamin C that can block the absorption and it was never that I got used to it, but that I wasn’t getting as much of the poison into my system. Again, I know I shouldn’t get my hopes up and I’m trying not to, but it’s starting to make a little sense. It could very well explain why I have some better times than others.

Also, a Japanese study suggests that chubby people live longer than skinny people. I was surprised because I can’t think of anyone really big that died in their 90s. But then the queen was big and she made it to 93 while the poodle wasn’t that big and only made it to 80.

Anyway, I have a lot more to write about, but I’m saving it for the road. The tentative plan is to go to the beach on Tuesday.

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