Sunday, March 13, 2022

Darren left on the motorcycle before I got up and came back quieter than I’ve ever heard him come back. It was weird. He swung around the block and then came up the street and into his driveway, never passing the house. I counted how long it took before he entered his driveway and turned the motorcycle off. Took about 12 seconds. He’s now the least of my concerns compared to the medication and the storm.

Also, believe it or not, it got into the 30s last night even though we’re well into March. It was nearly 40 degrees colder for the low than the night before. We had a huge wind, rain, and thunderstorm yesterday. Unfortunately, the thunder woke me up, so now I’m stressing about how I’m going to survive the storms here on top of the new medication.

Yesterday was my second dose. Toward the middle of my day, I started feeling anxious and felt that way for the rest of my day. I’ve only been up for about four hours and I’m already feeling it. I don’t know what to think anymore. Is it just the medication itself causing it? Could it be my hormones? Could it be something else entirely? I’ve got 4 more years to figure it out. I’m not kidding when I say that after a dozen years, I’ll have had enough. Hell, I had enough years ago!

We’re going to take measures to seal up the room better against the storms, but without having the many thousands of dollars for the proper stuff, I don’t know that we can make it good enough so that they don’t wake me up at least for the most part.

The nail lacquer seems to be dissolving my cuticles and I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not. They’re definitely improving, although they still have a ways to go.

We ran out to Publix yesterday. I was tired yesterday because of this thunder waking me up and I’m tired today because I just didn’t sleep well in general. Too much on my mind, I guess. I had a series of weird dreams too. I was contemplating whether or not to attack some guy who was being rude to us in a menacing way. Then I had my forearm amputated to just below my elbow. This was the weirdest dream I ever had because when I looked in the mirror, I could clearly see the amputation. Yet when I looked down and put my arms out in front of me, I could see both arms and hands in full.

Doc A shared another running victory. She seems to be really obsessed with it. She said it’s been hard between work, life, and injuries. I feel bad for her kids. They certainly can’t be getting the attention they need. But then that’s the problem with those with money. They simply hire a nanny so they can go on living. She hasn’t mentioned a nanny, but I don’t doubt she has one to cook, clean, and care for the kids. I just wonder if I’m ever going to hear from her.

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