Friday, March 4, 2022

This is the second night in a row I’ve had to listen to them come slamming and honking back right as I was waking up as if something was holding them off until I got up. 25 more days or less with these all too noticeable people!

I’ve been reading around some more on the Russo-Ukraine war and I don’t know what to think. It depends on who’s credible. I get what Tom means about him not wanting to nuke a place he wants to take over, but crazy people have no logic. Crazy people do crazy things. Hitler led to the deaths of millions of people and I don’t see why he couldn’t as well. I still don’t see why no one’s killed him either.

Most people seem to believe we’re on the verge of World War three. I guess the concern is his using nuke plants as war targets which could make Europe unlivable. That’s the thing with crazy people. If they don’t get their way, they throw a temper tantrum and don’t care who gets hurt or even if they get hurt. He would be far from the first suicide murderer if that’s what it came down to. If Europe becomes unsafe, what does that mean? Do they all die or just have to move? If they move, where would they go? I have a feeling I can guess where many of them would end up. I wonder how this is going to affect us in the end.

I can’t see Europe or the US becoming unlivable in our lifetime, but again, maybe it’s because it’s just way too hard to imagine. Could the world as we know it really change that much? Well, I know I sure did in 2014. Myself as I knew it was gone. If this is the beginning of the end even for us, then I guess we don’t have to worry about growing older, me being anxious, or us acquiring any additional problems. At least we do have a way out if things ever got that bad for whatever reason.

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