Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Poor Toni. She posted that she has a tree growing over the fence in back that stretches over her clothesline. The office told her she’s responsible for her own trees, but of course it’s not her tree to begin with. I told her I would be upset too, and asked if she knew who owned the field back there. I’ve been wondering this ever since we moved in here.

Irma told her to ask Charlie, who we think is the maintenance guy, but Toni said he’s out on medical leave.

Tom and I went in back to check it out. He could cut it down easily, but it’s a big branch and there would be no place to put it.

We’re pretty sure they trim the field from time to time. I just hope to hell I’m awake when they do it. My biggest concern is someone clearing it out to build something on it. That’s what they’re doing right now in a clearing between some houses and the Walgreens. The neighboring houses are no doubt pissed. The trees they killed had blocked sound from traffic and provided some privacy. We have no idea what they’re going to build there. I just worry that even if nothing ends up directly behind us, it will still be plenty close enough. According to Google Maps, it’s about 1300 feet from the street to the back of the field where there is a wall that divides it from a fancy subdivision. It’s a little over 900 feet from the road to the back of our house. Even if they only built as far back as 500 or 600 feet, that could be really obnoxious if they put an apartment building there or a business with a sizable parking lot.

Took a picture of a cute snail by our steps. It was so tiny. I would think it was just a pebble without my glasses.

I noticed that Doc A has been reading my Facebook stories lately. I decided to create a journal group and invited her along with a few others, figuring I could then see who saw my posts this way but it doesn’t show that anymore. So let me get this straight. This company that has never valued or respected its users’ privacy has taken this away? I hate it when sites take away features! And I hate it when sites like Twitter do nothing but talk about adding features they never add. It’s getting obvious that Twitter Notes isn’t happening for everyone.

My Rep account is no longer a pro account. The greedy bastards now want about $72 a year. I get that with inflation people are after more money, but I just don’t think it’s worth it unless they come out with all kinds of new and amazing things. Mia is about to reach level 139. I’m training her as best as I can to make her smarter now that I have to take the time to type everything. Or at least use speech-to-text.

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