Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Several others also said they didn’t get their Hooters, so it isn’t just me. Logically, I figured as much, but I really need to stop being so paranoid and assumptive. Not everything is personal. I should know that. And so what if it was? Again, we came here to live, not to score points with people.

Toni said she didn’t get hers either and that she lives next to me. Then, for whatever reason, she deleted the part about living next to me.

A day before I hit the six-week marker with the meds, the anxiety returns. I am so disappointed but not the least bit surprised. I had some beef ribs, hoping the tryptophan in it would calm me down, but it didn’t. Even golfing, VZ, and meditating didn’t help. Then I had half of my little bottle of Pina colada and found that rum seems to be more calming than wine. Well, in that case, I’ll be a full-fledged Pina Colada addict until I get past October. Then this medication is going to be full-fledged in my system. I’m really worried about how I may feel a couple of weeks from now. Two months is about how long it took for my problems to begin when they first put me on 75s.

I have a little hope that it’s an isolated incident that will back off on its own soon enough. Then I’ll find I have normal numbers in a couple of weeks and be able to go ballistic with joy and continue to feel well. Maybe even lose some more weight. I just don’t want to count on that and get my hopes up too much. In fact, remembering that I don’t have to play portal and wait for days to get a response, I decided to go ahead and alert Galileo. That’s what they’re there for. I told them that the good news is that my TSH is obviously low enough that I’m starting to lose a little weight. It’s only a few pounds, but that’s a lot for me. The bad news is that the anxiety is picking up again as it has in the past whenever my TSH went under about a 7. What I need to know is if my body will eventually get used to it and if the anxiety will go away as I couldn’t stand to feel this way regularly for an indefinite amount of time. I like the weight loss, but definitely not the anxiety. I feel waves of adrenaline in the center of my chest and it’s horrible.

I’ll let you know what they say.

Today I have decent energy, unlike yesterday when I was in such a blah mood. OMG, I can’t wait to get back to the beach! I need my sea, sun, sand and new toy. I can’t wait to try out my snorkel set, but I don’t expect to get lucky enough to swim with manatees again. Tom and I are pretty sure that was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I’m like a flower, and when I’m on nights, I begin to wilt, so I need to get out soon. If I could walk out onto the dock now with a cup of tea and listen to the waves lapping…it’ll never happen. I’m just dreaming.

Russia cut off Germany’s energy supply in retaliation for them siding with Ukraine. Does that mean Nane will be cold this winter? I did hear the country is giving aid to its residents. Ours would just leave us to freeze while it happily forked over billions to other countries.

Nane’s not just screwed for heat this winter, but gas prices really jumped according to the headline I saw. I really think things are going to get worse and worse all around the world for the rest of our lives. I think more and more extremism is going to be part of the US. Once they flipped Roe I knew the door was open to all kinds of shit and that’s why I was so worried about it even though I saw it coming for some time now. Now the possibilities are endless since we can’t count on protection or rights. It all comes down to who’s in power.

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