Friday, November 25, 2022

Feeling a little warm today, and my heart is in the upper 90s. Really hope I’m not in for another bad spell where I’m burning up and my heart ends up in the triple digits! This is around the time I predicted I would have trouble if I was going to, too.

My stomach still isn’t better, but it hit me that it could be connected to the kickass fluoride toothpaste I got from my dentist. I told my docs I started it in June and asked if it could build up in my system and be causing this, and they said it could. So tonight will be the third night that I skip it. If there’s a connection, maybe it just takes a little time to get out of my system.

Doing a little Black Friday shopping. So far, I got wireless earbuds, a 10-pack of G-strings, and potato peelers.

He got a 4-pack of 12x12 diamond paintings in a beach theme. These are going to count as my birthday present for him to be done by June. Of course I can finish well before then, though.

Besides some computer parts, he also got a cadence sensor with bike pedals. This should work with VZ, and I want to try it once and see what it’s like to bike ride through places although I’m sure I’ll always prefer the board.

Loving VZ’s latest challenge. It’s the best one they’ve had along with the tree-planting challenge. They have about 20 quick, snappy rides all over the world that are only about 5 miles each. Besides the US, I’ve been in Canada, England, Italy, South Africa, Norway, Portugal, and Indonesia.

I don’t know if I was dreaming or not, but I swear a loud thump from someone’s car door woke me up for a second early this morning. They’re really bad with that here, even with a layer of MLV under the mattress. First, you’ve got flimsy homes that let sound in easily, and then you’ve got homes that are so close together. I’m just glad to be getting a break from the planes today. They don’t happen very often.

I had a dream that the cactus plants began to sprout, so we’ll see.

I also had a really cool dream that I wish to hell I could remember where I saw the events through someone else’s eyes.

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