Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Woke up from a nightmare and into a wet morning. Tom is still in bed. According to the message he left me, he woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t get back to sleep. So after being up for a few hours, he told me not to worry if he gets up late.

I had a dream that my parents were still alive and I just turned 42. Then Tom and I were staying in some cheap motel in a horrible section of whatever city or town we were in. Out to the car, and I told him I would be along in a minute. I was looking for the right glasses. When I found them, I put them on and headed out. As I rounded the corner of the building, I saw a cluster of homeless people, and one of them was getting attacked by a dog. The dog turned and looked at me, and I thought, Oh no! I’m next!

But the dog didn’t attack, and I quickly hurried back around the corner. I woke up right as I was texting Tom to come and get me.

I deactivated two of my three Twitter accounts. I’m just not that into Twitter and Musk killed any possibility of Twitter Notes coming to fruition.

I was excited to receive my nail stamping sampler kit but what a joke. I couldn’t get the polish to transfer so I dumped the kit and kept the polish.

Surprisingly, it looks like the self-cleaning oven worked after all. It’s not perfect, but it’s definitely cleaner.

The cactus I planted should germinate any day now, but I have a feeling it won’t. I just seem to have quite a black thumb. Only one leaf is left alive on the petra, and only the fittonia is thriving.

I was awake when the insanely loud recycle truck went by. I threw the nature sounds on volume 4 and could still hear it. Just like in the old place, I don’t think I’m going to be able to drown them out completely. It’s just way too fucking loud. I can hear them long before they get near the house.

The planes are driving me crazy and forcing me to keep background sounds of some kind going in order to drown them out. Sleeping with background sounds and having fans running when I need them is one thing. But sometimes I just don’t want to hear anything. Sometimes I just want to enjoy the quiet but I can’t unless I want to hear the planes, and I don’t. I’d now say that, yes, they’re worse than at the old place. Small planes might be slightly better here and helicopters slightly more but the commercials are horrible as they’re way too frequent and I rarely get a break. They may not fly quite as low here, but they’re low enough, audible enough, and just totally annoying as hell. Dozens and dozens every single fucking day and night. The problem is that like in our Maricopa place, we would have to go somewhere over an hour away from an airport in order to have them flying above us high enough not to hear them. What I don’t understand is why I didn’t hear them like crazy in Phoenix. Yes, there were way fewer planes flying back then, but still. It wasn’t that we didn’t hear them at all, but we didn’t hear dozens a day. You can’t even go 15 minutes without hearing something flying over us here. The only thing I remember being annoying in the sky there were the helicopters. I can just imagine what it’s like there now!

I had my first normal bowel movement in nearly a month, only to end up with three attacks of the runs following it over the next handful of hours. I realize this would be a complete nightmare for me if it hadn’t been for the trauma and anxiety I experienced. This is nothing compared to that, but it would still be nice if it stopped because I’m not going to be able to do things or go places if it doesn’t.

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