Friday, November 11, 2022

First we had FedEx flying over us at 3:00 AM and now at 1:10 AM it’s UPS that’s apparently been added to the flight route. I’m enjoying the few precious hours off from hearing them zooming over us. What was a little worrisome was that I could hear it loud and clear even when it was over 24,000 feet and well over the Gulf. I’m guessing it might not have been as easy to hear if it was the middle of the day, but still. Enough is enough of this shit! Yet I realized there’s no in-between these days due to all the millions of flights. You’re either in a flight path like most of the world now is or you’re not, and it’s a pretty black-and-white situation in that if you are in a flight path, you’re not going to hear just a few a day. Those days are long gone. It’s either dozens and dozens or nothing at all. There are just so many people flying, plus delivery flights that there’s no way they’re going to have just a few flights over any given area. At least not that I can see.

Even though Hurricane Ian was much more powerful than Nicole, which was downgraded to a tropical storm by the time she got to us, she managed to do some damage to our place, tearing part of the lanai roof off. I saw pictures in the group of the damage some others received. The most common problem seems to be torn gutters and carport support posts.

The wind is dying down, but it’s still raining out there.

My doctor is sending me to pick up a container to provide a stool sample for testing since I’m still having the runs. I contacted them last night. I wanted to make sure it was OK to take the anti-diarrhea pills once I came to suspect I probably have an infection.

Then I slept shitty because, not surprisingly, we had a power failure. So I’ve been tired all day even though I napped.

When I got up I had the runs again and took a full dose of anti-diarrhea pills. I don’t know if I’ll be awake enough to pick up the container this morning when the lab opens, but if I’m not, I’ll get it soon enough.

I wrote the following letter to PK only to find there’s no place to send it. Then why do they have a “Contact this Lawyer” form if they’re just going to tell me they’re not registered with that site?

I don’t know if there’s a more convenient or appropriate place to send this but do you still tell clients that all they’re going to get is probation when you know darn well they’re going to be jailed? Do you still withhold information that could genuinely help them?

I was naive to the law. You knew it and you took advantage of that and you should be ashamed of yourself. Even after all these years, I can just imagine how many people you’ve treated similarly. I should have known better too. After all, you worked for the state and the state was against me.

You don’t make the laws and I get that. You also didn’t know that the “victim” was personal friends with the officer involved. I didn’t even realize this at first. Nonetheless, I can’t stress enough how ridiculous it is that someone could be thrown in jail for six minutes let alone six months, lose thousands of dollars, and be bashed by the media all for words on paper and because of nothing they actually did. What happened to free speech? What happened to actions speaking louder than words?

I realize the past can’t be undone and you don’t need to reply to me but you should have been more honest with me as it would have helped me to better prepare for what was to come. Meanwhile, the “victim” that did similar things to me and worse which I chose to be mature about and ignore, left me feeling afraid, vulnerable and like a sitting duck. Therefore, we left Arizona after I was finally vindicated 2.5 years too late. Haven’t been in the state in decades and I never will again.

Yeah, you were a great lawyer, Mr. K.

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