Sunday, March 26, 2023

For the last couple of days, I’ve been having a dull, intermittent ache in my lower left back and really hoping to hell that my next problem isn’t going to be kidney stones. Tomorrow is the last day of the nitrofurantoin. It’s also surgeon meeting day. I worry that the UTI, gastritis, and hernia may delay gallbladder surgery. Basically, I’m just wondering how many more appointments I’m going to have before I can finally get a break from them and I’m worried about money as well.

We ran out to Twistee Treat and got ice cream. I’ve noticed after I eat, no matter what the quantity, I feel not just unusually full, but also a bit short of breath and bloated. I guess I’ll find out more about that on Thursday.

We went to the dollar store before going for ice cream to get some Vienna’s and OMFG. This bastard was getting ready to blaze out on his motorcycle and I was trying to hurry across the parking lot so the sound wouldn’t blow up my eardrums but I couldn’t get across fast enough because a couple of cars were in the way. Why is this shit legal? Why don’t we use the technology we have today to limit the volume of these damn things?! I’m so sick of this fucked up world at times and its twisted laws. Why is it more important to regulate women’s bodies and what people read than deal with how insanely loud and disruptive people can be?

Then when we got home, the loud motorcycle that visits Toni on occasion came and went. Yesterday was the bitch down the street, gunning and running hers with her little friend.

I understand that planes have a way to go before batteries can be made to quiet those down. But there’s no excuse left for anything on the ground. Not many commercial planes today, but a small plane was zooming back and forth and being a little annoying for a while. They don’t seem to share the air space, even though the commercials are up higher. Yet when they’re not around as much the small plains take the stage.

As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t diet because I hate being hungry. I have to bring my calories to an unsustainably low amount which means a lot of hunger for very little results. I don’t want to work so hard for so little. But I’ve really got to try to stop from gaining any more weight. So Tom and I decided to do intermittent fasting and only eat during an 8-hour window. This means I’m going to wait until I’ve been up for 4 hours before I start eating. I know I won’t lose weight since I can pack in more than 1000 calories in 8 hours but I’m hoping I’ll at least stop gaining.

If I understood the news brief Alexa gave me, some top official in Kansas is going to fight to ban abortion there, even though the majority of the people voted against bans and enshrined reproductive rights into their constitution. What’s the point of the people voting and enshrining things into constitutions if whoever is running the show is just going to undo it all and what they personally want?

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