Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Handling the amoxicillin well. Most of the infection seems to be gone. I was a little alarmed for a minute when I started to get a rash in the groin area, realizing it wasn’t the right spot for an allergic reaction to amoxicillin, which I’ve never gotten from it before, and a little late in the game for it to be because of the UTI. But then I realized it was just a heat rash. Those are common in these kinds of climates, even though it was surprisingly cold last night. Got all the way down to 39. 30 freakin 9 degrees in March in Florida! Anyway, a little hydrocortisone helped clear it up.

Got my results after getting up this evening. No results on whatever that liver test was for yet but my T4 is 1.3, and my TSH is 7.12. So right about what I was expecting.

A part of me wants to do nothing because I’ve felt so much better emotionally. But because I've been having so much fatigue and even mild hypothyroidism can cause issues with fatigue and weight - fatigue being debilitating - here's what I'd like to do and I ran this by my docs too.

First, I can't stress enough just how sensitive I am to this medication and how much of a fine line it has between helpful and hurtful for me personally. If I'm not really careful, I have epic anxiety, a booming heart,  insomnia, the runs, and I feel like I'm on fire. Therefore, I’d like to add just one 88 a week, but ONLY EVERY OTHER WEEK and do this for SIX weeks. The last time we did the slow titration method I only did each step for four weeks and then realized that wasn’t enough time for it to fully build up and that’s why I struggled for a while.

My calculations say I should be at 5 if I can ever stand to take six 88s a week every week. But there's no way I can stand to get to around 3. Way too many side effects there. And again, I know people say they have anxiety when they're low on thyroid, but I'm actually the other way around for some reason. The closer the numbers get to the normal range, I have off-the-charts anxiety. So it's important that I take it extra slow, especially since he may have to go back to work, which means I'll be alone more. It once took me several tries to tolerate 75.

If worse comes to worst, we know I can handle 88 five times a week and that it doesn't put my TSH in those dangerous double digits. But I’d like to try this every other week for six weeks. I'm just tired of being tired, even though I don't know for sure that my thyroid is to blame.

Downloaded Sims 4 to my desktop and a mobile version as well. I want to like the game because it looks like it could be fun if I could just understand it. Some of it I get, but it’s such a complex game that I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to figure out the mechanics of how everything works. There are just so many controls and options.

Robert added some new songs to the playlist, but I’m not liking them so far. They’re not bad. They’re just boring. Half of them are by people I’ve never even heard of. At least he got rid of three of the five Pitbull songs.

I took triazolam before bed, but I can’t say that it helped me sleep better. Maybe just a little. I didn’t sleep as long as I thought I would. Just like yesterday, I awoke tired and ended up going down for a nap shortly after. The second and last pill will be taken an hour before this morning’s bridge replacement.

I had this dream I was riding this little scooter that was shaped sort of like an upside-down T. You place your feet on the sides and hold the stick in the middle. I was riding up a dirt driveway in a wooded area, hoping no dogs would jump out and chase me.

The house I entered had a back door as well. But once I stepped inside and into the living room, it looked like this place. I could see Tom out in the lanai with the bitch revving her motorcycle beyond the window as he gathered some old stuff. Some of it contained old vinyl records that were only a few inches wide. I insisted he sell them, saying he could get good money for them. But he said all he could get for them was $10.

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