Saturday, March 11, 2023

Wow, no health work to do today. Tomorrow’s health work will be the paperwork for the surgeon since he doesn’t let his patients do this online for some reason. I have until I see him, though.

Monday’s health work will be picking up the images.

Actually, there is health work today. Fighting what I’m guessing is a UTI that is flaring up again. I’m having more burning. It doesn’t burn when I pee, but there’s burning around that area. I realized I got the wrong cranberry juice. This is just cranberry-flavored water. So I ordered 100% cranberry juice and yogurt as well. It seems yogurt doesn’t just have probiotics that are good for oral health but for UT health as well. I haven’t had much yogurt because it’s not the greatest thing for me because of my gallbladder, being lactose intolerant, and due to the cholesterol in it. I grabbed a handful of Yoplait yogurts to be delivered tomorrow along with garlic powder, which is supposed to be a natural antibiotic. The yogurts are small and shouldn’t aggravate my stomach in any way.

My weight is up a little more even though my eating habits haven’t changed. If it isn’t connected to my thyroid, then it’s likely age. Tom stopped gaining weight about a decade ago at 55 which is about when men stop. Women keep gaining until around 65. So I’m likely to do a slow gain until then with little to no control over it. Better get used to it because I’ve got a long way to go to reach 65!

Love the new colored pencils. Being soft-cored, they give you a much more vivid and even distribution of color. I’m back to coloring again. Why not? I don’t seem to have much talent for painting and drawing these days. It might help to wait until I get new glasses for that anyway as these are getting harder to see out of.

The Upside Town golf course was released and it’s super weird. It’s set in New York City and the graphics are fantastic. What’s weird about it is you’re not just hitting the ball on the floor, but off of walls and ceilings as well. So it’s like there’s no up or down. It kinda takes you a minute, for example, to get your bearings on a fire escape with pigeons fluttering about and then hitting your ball onto the roof while a subway appears to climb the opposite wall.

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