Sunday, November 3, 2024

When I see writing prompts asking, “What would you tell your younger self?” I’d tell myself to appreciate the things you take for granted when you're young. When you’re young, you don’t realize how much you’ll miss having good health, good vision, a better memory, control over your weight, no gray hairs, and so much more.

On a personal note, I only got about five hours of sleep and am tired as usual. I managed some dusting, but the kitchen counters, appliances, and floors will have to wait till tomorrow. I don’t expect to have more energy, but I’m pacing myself. I don’t remember snoring last night, but I woke up with shoulder pain at one point.

I also had a dream where Tom and I were walking through what was supposed to be this park, though it looked different. We saw a cute little cottage nestled among rolling hills. I commented on how cute it was. Then we walked past an area that had been an empty lot, but they were now building the foundation for something. I told Tom, “I knew it wouldn’t stay empty forever.” I hope it’s not a sign that something’s going to be built behind us.

Then the dream shifted, and we were exiting a building that was a bit of an obstacle course to navigate. Tom got ahead of me and didn’t wait, so I worried I’d get lost with my shitty memory.


  1. Why do you have more entries on life journal than you do here?

    1. Assuming you mean LiveJournal, because some are friends only and others are private.

    2. Yeah that's what I meant will you ever make them public someday?

  2. Blonde hair! Although I prefer redheads and green eyes. What about you?

    1. Dark brown or black hair and very dark eyes. There have been some exceptions, though.
