Thursday, April 26, 1990

At last, we are on our way to the beach! We’ve been dying to get here. We’ll be there in about half an hour. I’m totally starving so we’re gonna stop first at the old Cumberland Farms right outside the gate that enters the beach.

I wonder what the fuck Mom and Dad plan on doing with the cottage? I really hope they don’t sell it, or if they do, I hope they at least give it to Tammy and Bill and let it stay in the family.


My parents do have their cottage up for sale. Andy’s is for sale, too.

It was fucking freezing! We were so pissed! I did get some color, but not a whole heck of a lot cuz I couldn’t put up with being so cold that both me and Andy put our shirts and pants on and then we even had to put our coats on too. It got cold fast and foggy, too.

We went to see Mrs. Labriola, an old lady I’ve known since I was a kid. She looked good, but for some reason, I can’t help but feel she doesn’t have too much time left.

After that, we went to the Ames department store in Old Saybrook. I bought two tube tops, a shirt, and Opium scented lotion, but it’s awful.

Then we went to Tammy’s. She looks ok but seems stressed out. I think it’s got something to do with Bill. Lisa looks great, and Becky is turning out to be so cute!

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