Wednesday, October 4, 1995

I am absolutely furious right now. That mother-fucking OJ Simpson got off! I knew it though. It just goes to show you once again how if you’re a male and if you have money, you’re above the law. It also goes to show how men can beat their wives for years, then murder them and get away with it. To me, this fucking jury is no better than this known and proven murderer. I have been an admitted sexist all my life, but now I don’t think there’s a bigger sexist than me. If he had been a female or if it had been a broke female or male, they would be found guilty for sure. Maybe not even a broke male, though.

I hope and pray more than anything that someone does the right thing and kills him. What the fuck was going through God’s mind? How can He let this happen? How could God allow him kids that he’s gonna get back? I will never pray again. Never! This fucking murderer can have 4 kids and I can’t! I hope he dies! Death is what he deserves! What a slap in the face for women and a sign to the rich saying: Go ahead. Kill whoever you want cuz you can buy your way out of it. Especially if you’re a male.

What also burns me up is that people like me who want to do the right thing can’t kill him cuz then we go to jail too, and no middle-class, childless female would get off. Just like rapist Mike Tyson who just made a million dollars! Do I have to kill or hurt people to have a child and more money? Is that what it would take? I’ll bet that if I went out and killed someone, I’d be pregnant.

I’m just so sick of this crazy, sick, fucked up, unfair world! Even my sister was furious. Why the fuck were 10 jury members black? Why couldn’t there be 4 whites, 4 blacks, 4 Asian, and 4 Hispanics?

I told Tammy how furious I was cuz this two-time murderer gets to have his kids and we can’t have one. Tammy said to adopt. Tom would never go for that and I have a record, I said. Then she said that prank phone calls weren’t shit when they can let a murderer have his kids. True. But I’m a female and we’re middle-class and not rich.

I’ve tried for the last several years not to be prejudiced, but now I’m right back to how I felt at age 21 or so. Most of them are no good losers who simply want to commit crimes, but not the time.

All the more I know now not to bother praying to God. This is the final straw and I’ve lost all faith. I knew I’d never have a kid, but now I really, really know and I fully intend to ask Dr. Rausch about the injection. Tom will have to find a new game to play with me.

Meanwhile, I hope OJ dies!!!!!

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