Monday, October 30, 1995

Yesterday was a good day and today’s been good so far, too.

I still feel runny and itchy a bit, but I know it’s normal to have some itch. Even Tom gets itchy every now and then and puts hydrocortisone cream on. I guess it’s that time of the month when I’m supposed to run.

Anyway, I’ve been constipated yesterday and today, so my stomach’s been showing and feeling that.

I spoke to Kim who left a message last night. She said she’s doing OK, but she ended up having to have more surgery than originally planned and she did have to stay in the hospital for a few days. The doctor says she can still have kids, but I just don’t see it. She said if the problem comes back, she’ll have to have a hysterectomy and that could be in two weeks, or several years or never. She said she doesn’t think she’ll have any problems for several years and after she has kids, then she’ll probably have to get a hysterectomy.

She also said she finally told her mother about the babysitter that molested her when she was 6 or 7. Her mother was very supportive, so that’s good. She could’ve been in denial and tried to tell Kim that it never could’ve or did happen at all. She said she had a feeling since it happened that something did happen, but she couldn’t remember what or who or how till right before she met me when she was 21. I was the first one she told. I guess repressed memory is for real after all. I was wondering about that idea. She also says that she has a feeling that something happened with a distant family member when she was 11, but can’t remember right now. She feels that she’ll be able to remember it in time.

Anyway, she’s just taking it easy. She’s to be out of work for 3 weeks and is cranking out tons of letters.

She and Doug are still doing well and she says she knows she’ll end up marrying him. They haven’t set a date yet.

Tom and I did some work on the back room earlier. He did some work in the little room and I sorted the file box.

Like I said, he went down on me yesterday, then later we screwed. He proved to me all the more that screwing was never intended to be just for him or for us. It was supposed to be for him cuz I had been taken care of and I said he could go at his own pace, I still enjoy it and it was his turn. Sure enough, I had a hard time getting him hard with my hand, then when I got him hard enough and he went in there he wasn’t into it at all. He wasn’t in there very long at all. He insisted that it’s just that he “likes variety.” Sometimes he likes it short, sometimes he likes it long. Yeah, right. How much do you want to bet that if I was so horny and was gonna take care of myself while he was in there, there’d have been no problem getting him hard if it was for me? Then right after I’d cum he’d pull out. I never thought I’d meet anyone more scared than I am to have a kid.

That’s all for now. I think I’ll break for a cigarette, then I’ll write more later.


Tom finally got my drawing table cleared off so I washed that down and set it up nicely.

I just made pork chops and baked potatoes and now I’m waiting for the mail.

Earlier we changed Piggy’s cage and yesterday we agreed that today we’d do some research on Norah and see how I can find out about her and maybe even send a letter. I don’t know if he’s still gonna be up to that, though. If I do send a letter, that’ll be the first letter I’ve sent a celebrity in years. I sent Linda two letters years ago when I was in my teens but I never heard from her. I did hear from Kim Basinger and Nicolette Larson, though. Those are the only people I ever sent letters to. Why I sent anything to Kim Basinger beats me. I was never attracted to her and I never was a fan of her movies. I wasn’t attracted to Nicolette either, although I have one album of hers that I always loved, and I loved the long hair she used to have. She was one of those singers who was here today and gone tomorrow.

I never sent anything to Gloria and I never would. She’s too big of a star and I’d never hear anything from her. Stars that big don’t even hear about their fan letters, let alone read them. I’ll bet that the only time they hear about them is if there’s something different, weird or threatening about them.

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