Saturday, May 18, 1996

These number stickers are from a kid’s meal I had gotten. It goes to a calendar, but I didn’t want to use it. There are 21 other stickers, too, like this. The rest I just threw on the front cover of my next paper journal.

I’m not gonna have enough room in here for all my updating but let’s just say that Tom’s admitted he doesn’t think we’ll need to see a doctor in April and no, he doesn’t want to, but he agreed to. He says part of life and being mature and grown-up means doing things you don’t want to do, but he swears he still wants a kid.


The Melatonin looks promising, but being the pessimist I am, I’d be more convinced in another week or two as to how helpful it really is. I did manage to crash at around 11 PM and I got up at 5:45.

The sticker, by the way, in front of this book is pretty neat. It changes temperature and colors. I mean, it changes when made cold to a deep purple, and then to pink when warmer.

Anyway, we left just after 6:30 and we were out for nearly two hours. We went to get cash, then breakfast at a drive-through. We ate in the car and of course, we had Piggy with us. Piggles is great during car rides. Very comfortable and even spunky.

After eating, we checked out the hours of two different art stores and stopped at Walmart. We got Piggy a new bail of sawdust and 4 of my favorite pens. I got blue, green, red and black and in the next book, I’ll change colors every day.

Well, I’m out of room here, so I’ll pick up on the rest of what Tom and I did in my next book. Bye!


Throughout this book, you’ll see mini stamps here and there. My original plan was to use another set of different colored markers to do different sections. However, they skip like hell which I get sick of. I may either put mini stamps by the sides of the entry dates in here or I may highlight them in green since I used yellow, blue and pink in my last 3 books. Or maybe I just won’t bother, since I plan on switching colors daily. The next time I run out of pens, I want to go back to the art store I was at today and get a purple Precise pen, which is the brand I’m using now and 3 Le Pens. In terracotta, maroon and sky blue.

Now I’ll finish with what we’ve done so far.

When we returned, we aired the place out and I straightened up and washed stuff while Tom did Piggy’s cage. He also sanded and fixed the screen on the front screen door.

Then we went back out and got some candy and I got Tammy and Bill’s anniversary card and dad’s Father’s Day card. I also got a new journal.

At the art store, there were some beautiful journals, but they were $7. The one I got was $3 and that’s a better deal when you really have no extra money.

At the art store, I also got drawing stumps (for smudging and blending) and a really cool eraser. It was a refill that goes into a pen holder (the eraser’s long and skinny) and you sharpen it like a pencil. I just got the long skinny eraser, figuring it’d be much easier for me to work with.

Then we came home, Tom licked my pussy and now he’s at the racetrack hoping to win money to buy software he’s dying for. When he comes home, we may go for a swim and play around a little more.


I’m actually a bit tired now, but Tom says that’s how I should feel. The body should naturally feel tired after sleeping too little the previous night. Not all revved up as mine would normally feel.

I got something in the mail today that I’d forgotten all about. I got it through a commercial I’d seen as a free trial offer. A wine glass and 4 Silhouette Romance novels. Romance novels aren’t my favorites, but I can deal with them occasionally. I don’t drink wine, but the wine glass is pretty.

Tom won $60 bucks at the racetrack and got the software he wanted. I’m glad for him.

We went swimming earlier and he cooked us bacon and eggs.

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