Saturday, April 5, 1997

I let my folks know too, that I’ve decided to wear the dress I just bought, cuz it’s my house and my life and my dress, whether they like it or not, but will also wear some stuff they sent me that I know they’ll like.

I also told my folks about my funny live chat with Tammy and then I asked them to please keep this a secret - they didn’t hear this from me - but could they please call Larry every day? And if they can’t call him every day, could they please call as often as they can? Maybe that was a bad mistake, though, cuz knowing them, they’ll tell Larry that I asked them to call him more.

Tom will be leaving for work at 1:30 and believe it or not, I hope he isn’t in the mood for sex, cuz I’m not in the mood right now. As usual, my period began with spots, but tomorrow it’ll gush a bit. Good. I can’t wait for tit relief.


Oh, I’m so pissed. I just had another live chat with Tammy, went to copy and paste it over here, but lost it somehow. Oh well. We didn’t talk long or about much. Just that she’s working on a paper for school, knows Mom and Dad are coming out here and that’s pretty much it. We’re gonna chat again tomorrow night at 6 PM my time. As of tomorrow, they’ll be 3 hours ahead of us.

I warned Mom and Dad, that as an adult, I’ll wear what I want and like and what makes me feel comfortable and that if they don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it. Don’t give opinions that weren’t asked for or embarrass me by cutting me down in front of my husband. I warned them in a lighthearted, teasing, yet serious way. I went through my clothes and picked out stuff I’d like to wear while they’re here. Some of which they sent me. But believe me, I didn’t have much to pick from. Not with this chubby body.

Tammy’s going to see them in July. What will she, mom, dad, Marty and Ruth bash me about this time? Yeah well, I was teasing Tammy about that and I let her know that we’d rank on her while mom and dad were out here and we’d have our own little let’s-whine-about-Tammy discussion hour.


I am doing all I can possibly do to look better and thinner by the time my folks get here. So, I’ve got my wrist weights on and my tummy supporter. I shall do at least stomach and legwork daily.

When I re-read my first chat with Tammy, there was something I spotted that cracked me up. I love people that can’t spell or type and that hardly use punctuation. It’s so funny. Well, Tammy forgot her comma when she asked, “Did Mom and Dad talk to you about singing hair, etc.” 

Anyway, I ranked on her for that saying, “Yeah, I have singing hair, Tammy! It was never really me that sang. It was my hair. Tom’s hair can sing, too! Do you have singing hair?”

I got a very boring Bob letter today. Just as I expected too, in response to “Andy’s letter.” Well, Kim can have it. He didn’t have anything new to say. Just the same old shit. And when he wrote how he doesn’t know how he offended me, I thought to myself - yeah, I’ll bet you don’t. You’re just absolutely clueless, aren’t you, old man?

Tom made brownies which came out so good. I gotta eat as little as I can stand, though, but I’m still pretty sure that when my folks do get here, I’ll be 106-108, just like I have been for months. I mean, I know I’m fighting another one of those losing battles (my favorite pastime), but I’m not gonna go down that easy. I may be a quitter who gives up easily, but I still have my stubborn moments when I just don’t know when to quit, even when I know I’m destined to lose.

I realized something the other day about Tom’s impossible and full-of-shit promise he made me. I know just what he’s gonna do. Yup, I can bet you that instead of admitting that he didn’t cum, he’s gonna cry missed orgasm. You know, one of those super mini orgasms that don’t deliver as much juice. That’d be a major mean con, though, and one slick son of a bitch of a bold lie, if he did that. I wouldn’t put it past him, though. In fact, I expect this.

Anyway, another thing I’ve been meaning to write about is why Tammy couldn’t chat live with me the night after our first chat.

Lisa mentioned that she was upset with her neighbor for telling another neighbor that this boy was harassing her. According to Lisa, she didn’t want Tammy to know. She didn’t say why or how the boy was harassing her, but according to Tammy, the police were then involved, cuz Lisa supposedly lied about this boy and it was about something sexual, too. The weird thing about it is that I’ve heard that kids very rarely lie about sexual abuse or harassment. Why, though? If Lisa really lied, why? This just isn’t the Lisa I knew back there and know here over the phone, so what’s really going on? I don’t know who to believe, but I can believe this much - that Tammy’s the main cause of the kid’s problems and that she’s still not a very good mom. I don’t think Bill’s father of the year, either.

Anyway, Tammy said something about Lisa undergoing psychological and scholastic testing. My guess is that if Lisa’s telling the truth, Tammy’s reacting the way she is about it, cuz she doesn’t want to believe it, face it, or admit it. And maybe Lisa didn’t want to tell her cuz she knew Tammy would react that way and not believe her. And even be embarrassed and ashamed. Unfortunately, people like Tammy and my folks would react and feel that way about it, whereas to me, the right thing to do about something like that is to assume your child’s telling the truth, check it out, face it, and deal with it and without shame or embarrassment or any care about what others think about it, stick by that kid and let them know it wasn’t their fault.

My guess is that if Lisa’s lying, well, I guess that the only reason why that could be that I can think of, is to get attention. Kids that lack good attention at home, often seek bad attention outside of home. I should know.

Now, I’m sitting here dreaming again. If only there could be such a thing as Tom keeping his promise. Then I could really prove or disprove my beliefs about us never having a kid. Cuz if a woman got her period on the 4th, then had a guy cum in her on the 17th - 19th, she should be pregnant. If she’s not - something’s wrong or God’s got other plans for her.

Also, one more person with Shelly's last name replied to me saying they didn’t know Shelly. So, that makes half of them that have replied since I sent messages to 6 people with that name.

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