Thursday, August 14, 1997

There’s quite a dust storm going on right now. I guess this means it’ll rain eventually, along with thunder and lightning, and I’ll have to play the game of making sure the water leaking from the roof lands in the buckets I’ve got set up and not on furniture or other stuff.

Yesterday I took the tin foil out of the living room window. Since he obviously never intended to put up the sound blockers and since they’re not needed at this point, I figured it’d be nice to have a bright living room. I like it pitch dark for sleeping, but when I’m awake, I like bright sunny rooms.

I’m very happy that my period just decided to start, cuz of how sore my tits have been. Early relief is nice and I figured it’d come early, but 4 days early? Last month it was 3 days early. Is it gonna be 5 days early next month?

Is everything OK, or is God trying to show me that he’s about to end this baby ordeal I’ve been going through for years now by having something go wrong so I’d need a hysterectomy so as to give me permanent closure to this and to get my husband to deal with my sterility, too? Since Tom won’t believe I’m already sterile, is this God’s way of letting him know I am? By having something go wrong now and reinforcing that a doctor would do us no good?

Well, I know I’ll never have a child and that it’s not meant to be, so I’m all for God destroying my plumbing since there’s no need for me to have to deal with periods. Go ahead, God! Kill it all!

We finally screwed yesterday, but naturally, he lost his energy really fast and was coughing all over. He’s still coughing up the last of the cold, but it’s a good cough now. Before, nothing was coming up.

I saw an ad in the TV guide for something I want soooooo bad. I couldn’t believe it was just $100. I thought it’d be 2-3 hundred. It’s this thing you clamp onto a piece of hair and it painlessly removes hair forever. Oh, how I’d love something like this! It’d be great to do my eyebrows, underarms, a few lower stomach hairs I get, legs, bikini, and pussy area and maybe my widow’s peak, too, and never have to ever worry about doing them again. And Tom may very well never have to shave his face again. That hair removal thing really sucked. It wouldn’t pluck out all the hairs and it’d grow back much faster than they claimed it would. In fact, I left Andy a message and told him to ask Laura or Michelle or anyone if they want it. This isn’t one of those things I want to just give away, but I’ll probably never use it again, so I told him I will take $25 for it.

Yesterday, T-Bear, as I sometimes call him now, found the “treat hole.” There’s a hole in the side of the new cage that’s for putting the red wheel up that it came with. Since he uses his pink wheel only that’s downstairs, I don’t have this wheel up. Before, I’d hold a piece of food to the hole and he’d ignore me, but yesterday he noticed me and it was so cute and funny how he’d keep taking pieces of food and stuffing his pouches. First, he started with one pouch and it was so funny, cuz he looked like he’d been punched in the face with one side sticking out. Then he filled the other and when they were both filled to capacity, he went to the part of one of the tubes that he sleeps in and emptied it all out. He’s finally gotten to like lettuce, too. Then I took T-Bear out and put him on my table. Then I got Piggy and put them side by side. It was the cutest thing I ever saw and they went right to work on cleaning each other. Then, T-Bear stood up with his front paws on Piggy’s back. Then I put them both in T-Bear’s cage and they cleaned each other there and took drinks. Then T-Bear went wheeling and I took Piggy home to his and Bunny’s cage. Bunny was outside at this time. Yes, T-Bear needs a roommate and we’ll get him that black gerbil one of these days.

The longest part of my hair, which is all but the sides, is now to the middle of my ass. The middle of my ass! It’s really moving all of a sudden. It seems like it stalled forever when it got to be about 3” from the crack of my ass, but now it just keeps going and going. It’s still very dry, dead and frizzy and I’d still like to even it out, but I’m gonna leave it alone for a while, cuz now I’m curious to see how long it’s gonna keep moving like this and to where it’ll end up. I don’t know if I really ever want it below my ass, so when and if it gets there, I’ll chop it to the top of my ass, I guess.

I downloaded 30 puzzles from AOL a few days ago and Tom unpacked and installed a few of them. I didn’t realize it was so time-consuming and so much work, and as we know, he has very little free time. So, I’m gonna have him teach me how to do this to save him time. Plus, I’d like to do it, anyway.

This is quite a shocker I realized, but I think that the two dogs and next door’s dog, actually are taken inside at night. I always used to hear the two dogs at least 5 times throughout the night, but for quite a while I haven’t and I haven’t heard next door’s dog at night, either. I could be wrong about this, but the reason I think there’s a chance that they’re not even out there at night is that I didn’t hear any barking when I threw that note inside that big pen that had gum in it over the two dog’s wall at night. Also, I threw an ice cube over next door’s wall a couple of nights ago to see what it’d do and I heard nothing. Not even when I dumped the recycle stuff into the just emptied bin and that makes a hell of a racket. Anyway, I haven’t heard any night barking for ages now.

Last night I drew a picture of a girl that came out fairly well. It sort of looks like one I did in my first sketchbook. So, I’m sending it to Marty and Ruth with a quick hello note.

If my folks mailed me that package on Tuesday, it should be here tomorrow, so I’ll be looking forward to it.

I wish that 80s CD would hurry up and arrive, too.

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