Saturday, February 12, 2000

Saw the second episode of The Others. It was good. Ten more shows or so then they’ll repeat them over and over for the rest of this century.

Last night I heard what sounded like a truck passing by Ralston or Meadow Green twelve different times from about 8 PM to midnight. I thought it was on those streets, anyway, and thought it weird that there’d be that much traffic on those streets. We’re the only house so far on this street but this street does lead to other streets. Tom, though, reminded me that sound carries at night and said that they might not have been traveling on the streets alongside our property. That may explain why I never saw any vehicles when I looked out the windows.

As I mentioned before, our oven’s self-cleaning, and boy does it work great! It takes a few hours and it stinks, but it works.

Our schedules clashed today, and it was because of him and not me. He can’t help it, though, what with how he switches to days on weekends. So, when I got up at 11:00, he was pretty much at the end of his day, but he pushed himself to stay up till late afternoon, saying he was too tired to screw and wanted to wait till tomorrow. I think he’s just stalling for time on doing something he doesn’t feel comfortable doing at this time, but fine. The only thing about it is that tomorrow’s sex unless there’s some other excuse to prevent it from happening is going to be the most predictable ever. It really takes the fun out of it to know that he’s either A, not going to allow himself in me, or B, he’ll allow it but he won’t cum.

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