Tuesday, February 22, 2000

The glow of the moon out here makes it look like it’s the glow of a streetlight. It’s really obvious out here when it’s full, whereas in the city, the city lights make it seem the same all the time. Now that our skylight’s been cleaned of its dust by the rain, I’ll be looking forward to when there’s no moon, so I can see the beautiful stars. Yes, it finally rained. It pelted hail down on us, as well as rain, but it didn’t last long. It also helped to pack down the powdery, dusty dirt we have here. Especially the areas Gravity’s tractor churned up and softened. Unfortunately, it was dark when it finally rained, so I couldn’t see it.

We weren’t too thrilled with how close to the door it rained due to our 2” eaves. We didn’t think to put awnings over the doors, but we will. The side door may not need one, though, because it’s under where the roof slants. You don’t know how wonderful it was not having to play Leak and Bucket!

Today, while Tom was in the shower and I was sitting in the living room, a huge dust devil hit the side of the house, scattering some of our trash. It was pretty wild, too. All of a sudden, shadows flickered through the blinds as if a flock of birds had flown by. Tom even heard it over the running water and came flying out of the bathroom wanting to know what it was. It had hit the utility and den corner of the house, but by the time he got out of the shower and ran down to look out the front window in the living room, you could see the thing swirling towards the street. It was pretty cool.

Almost stepped on a few lizards that were out sunbathing. They’re pretty neat to have around.

We finally decided to try some of the well water. After all, the animals have been drinking it. It was too salty, another point proving the ocean theory. It’s just so hard to believe, though! You mean I’m sitting in what was once an ocean? And how deep was it where I sit?

Tom hasn’t exactly been lazy, but I hope he’s a little more productive than he has been for the remainder of his vacation. He still hasn’t cleaned the car out, gone to the dump, bought a metal burn drum to torch some of this trash, or made the calls he said he was going to make on Saturday to the CD club and exercise machine people.

My story’s coming along well. At least I hope it is. I’m writing an average of one or two chapters a day, but of course, the chapters are only about 3-5 pages long. It’s turning out to be more of a murder mystery than a ghost story, but if it’ll sell and make a little extra cash, why not? Mysteries are just as popular as romance. I’m just trying to write something a little less predictable. Something that’ll stand out and keep the reader guessing.

Mary and Dave got a new computer desk and offered to give Tom their old one. How nice of them. It’s a nice desk, too. Bigger than mine. But with all the crap that man has, he needs it way more than I do.

Mom also got her new adjustable bed. Normally I’d say that was a waste of money on someone who’s to be dead in a matter of months, but with the way she’s been hanging on and surprising everyone, you just never know. She may live for years. Her comfort is more important. It’s the quality of life that counts, not the quantity. Anyway, Dave said he’ll talk to his boss about borrowing his truck so they can haul it out here.

Today we went to Circle K and Dairy Queen. We hit Circle K first where Jennifer was behind the counter. I smiled at her as I walked in while she was in the middle of a yawn. When we were ready to pay for our stuff, I was in front of the next register, which was unattended, looking at their lottery tickets. Tom brought my attention back to focus and said to put my stuff over where she was. Laughingly, she said something about being able to help us over there, and then she yawned and yawned while Tom dug out money and she gave him the change. After I’d walked out of the store and gotten into the car, I glanced back and saw her leaning on her elbows at the counter, gazing out at me. Well, not quite at me, but in my general direction.

Dan’s continuing to be an obnoxious little shit. Thank God he didn’t gun his engine like this while we were in the trailer! Anyway, this little fuck waited till just after the sun set today to come out and gun his engine for about three hours. Three fucking hours! How the fuck long is this shit gonna go on?! Is this to be an everyday thing now? And if it stops, how long will it stop for? A week at the most? I wish this fuck would get out of here, but with my shit luck, it won’t leave till June. When it does, I’ll bet that’s when God will sic the renters on me in some way. Or maybe even next door. It may be dead quiet compared to any other place I’ve lived, and I may love it here, but I can’t believe we get all this noise from this one single guy! He’s just too lonely to be out here.

Anyway, you don’t know how much it means to me to finally, after 34 years, be able to say that I love my home and where I live. There were a few times, back in different apartments I had, that I thought I was going to love living there, but for various reasons, my love for the place was very short-lived.

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