Sunday, April 1, 2001

It’s April at last!

Again I’m tired as hell. I’ve been having trouble sleeping due to the combination of the excitement of going home at the end of the month, and fear of what awaits me when I get out there.

Chambers woke me up to ask if I wanted anything from the coffee cart, then before I could fall back asleep, the immature bitch next door yelled just outside the door. People just can’t drop shit and move on! This thing’s lucky there are doors and walls between us.

I ended up having a pleasant chat with Hope. Hope and Nancy are the only two I have any respect for in that room. She said her only problem had been that I seemed like I was apologizing, but I wasn’t, by mentioning the bruised-looking face, but she’s cool with me.

Of course, I didn’t tell Hope the real reason I apologized. I apologized not because I give a fuck about the bitch’s poor feelings, but because it’s too soon to be having problems in a pod no bigger than our old house. If it were my last night, I’d be banging up a storm in here, and I hope to hell I’m next to these two Mexicans when it is the final night because they’re going to be up right along with me.

Meanwhile, Hope doesn’t want any problems either and says we don’t have to go to extremes and ignore each other, although I wouldn’t consider that to be extreme. She likes saying hi, she said, and said she’d talk to Teresa. I informed her that if it ever got to the point where they were waking me up (the bitch would’ve if Chambers hadn’t beaten her to it), I will wake them up late at night.

Not surprisingly, I took a nap for about an hour and probably will later on, too.

I was the last one out and I called Tom in tears of depression and frustration. Hope motioned sympathetically to me not to cry.

As always, I felt a whole lot better after talking to Tom. Then Chambers came in and Tom said he had a stupid joke for us: If you don’t succeed, don’t try skydiving.

Then Chambers gave Peaches my ham and the drinks she asked for, and Jamie the fruit she asked for. After that, Chambers tells me to lock down, and I started to tell Tom I’ll call him back, then she announced that it was an April Fool’s joke! Tom and I were cracking up. Leave it to Chambers to pull an April fool’s joke on me! I got her back later by telling her she had a spider crawling on her shoulder, but I think she expected something like that from me.

Mary came back from a visit while I was out walking, whispering alongside me that she was going to April Fool’s this place so bad.

I wonder what she meant by that.

I was so glad to hear Chambers tell Jamie she was off restriction today. Good. Now I don’t have to move. Not yet, anyway.

I hope Johnson’s on tonight. It’s been two weeks.

It’s only been two days since we had hot dogs, so we just had to have them tonight. At least the rice and donut were enough to fill me. I knew we wouldn’t have asparagus again. I’m sure that was a one-time thing.

Out of the 5 months I’ve been here, March was the best month because I spent less than a week of it with cellies.

It seems the juvi next door and I have struck up a little friendship. We say goodnight to each other at night, and she wished me a happy April Fools.

I think Johnson will be on tomorrow night. I hope so!

I finished that book, so tomorrow I’ll be playing solitaire with the deck of cards I ordered.

My current plan is to only write Rule, Johnson, Espi, and Chambers. Fuck Palma.

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