Saturday, April 7, 2001

Today’s Chamber’s 19th birthday, wherever she is. Art finally cracked his 70s last Thursday.

Atkinson’s now 3rd shift. When she yelled at the fucking juvies for singing non-stop, they shut right up.

Chavez is on again. Now why can’t Palma work here once a week and sometimes twice in a row?

The fucking rude DO we got on today asked me to hand her the cleaning stuff that was 3 feet inside the door that she could’ve grabbed herself while I was on the phone. Lazy bitch! And this is Mejia, who used to do 3rd shift and who I had thought was cool. Tiffany was kind enough to take care of the shit for me.

I offended Tiffany earlier by asking if she’d brush her teeth when she got up. I already explained to her about my doggy nose, so I didn’t think she’d take it personally. She said she was taking offense to a lot of things I’ve been saying lately.

She has? Then why hasn’t she told me?

I’m going to have my radio on more and stay in my own little world. The fewer people say to each other, the less likely you are to piss each other off. And let me put it in writing right now that if I get threatened, although I highly doubt I will, I will attack this one without hesitation.

What she was saying last night is so true. The way you can tell we’re both night people is how we don’t talk to each other much during the day and we each do our own thing. Then around 8:00 we perk up and start chatting.

Tiffany hates blacks as much as I do, although she says she stands for white pride and not white power. Her ex is in for 12 years for dragging a black down the street by its neck for starting shit with him. She says it never would’ve happened if the guy hadn’t started shit. That’s how I feel, too. If the Phoenix freeloaders had just shut up and left us alone, none of this shit would’ve happened. They never would’ve known I existed if I didn’t have to know that they did.

Anyway, Tom said he’s been working a lot of overtime lately and the thing he likes about it is that it makes the days go by faster. He also said he had hoped I’d call this weekend and that he can’t wait till I come home. Me neither!

The two juvies next door are up laughing and talking. This is about the time they start their shit too, at about 2 PM. They’ll be running at the mouths on and off into 3rd shift.

Took a nap earlier. That’s two days in a row I napped, only this time I had an earbud in the good ear.

We were talking about how it’s hard to believe only one DO is in with 128 women in the dorms. I think there should be a DO in each pod where the dayroom is. At times it can take 15 minutes to get a DO’s attention when someone’s having a seizure. If there was a serious fight or medical emergency, the person could be dead even if the DO that’s in the tower knows about it from the start of it.

It shocked the shit out of me to receive my last inhaler today. Only two days after tanking for it.

We were also talking about which DOs we know are gay, which ones we think are gay, which ones are straight, etc. We both agree Espi’s strictly dickly and that Johnson’s gay, despite the wedding ring she wears. Tiffany says she’d bet she’s married to a woman.

She says Christoffers is gay, which I didn’t know. When Tiffany was in the dorms, a group of people was talking about tongue rings and sex when Christoffers, who has one herself, came out and said, “Ain’t no complaints from my girlfriend!”

Tiffany says a DO in the tents, whom she writes to as soon as she gets out (she’s been here a lot) offered to let her come and live with her if she needed a place.

She says she misses Felton, who gave her a hug goodbye before leaving for some other jail.

That’s a hell of a risk to be taking. They’re not allowed to do that. But once again, DOs can do as they please and get away with it.

We were talking about their personalities, too. Despite Johnson’s size, she really is like one big old warm, soft, cuddly teddy bear. It’s kind of what she reminds me of anyway. I like how she’s a softy at heart but knows when to put her foot down at the same time. So many people are either too flaky or too serious, but Johnson’s got a healthy balance going there.

When I mentioned how funny it is when she blushes, Tiffany agreed it was cute. She told me that some girl in the dorms was playfully asking Johnson, “Will you be my girlfriend?” and Johnson was blushing, saying, “Will you stop!”

Can I be your girlfriend, Johnson? My husband wouldn’t mind. I’ll be a really good one! I really will!

Yeah, I know I’m dreaming. Since when did I ever get what I dreamt of in that department, anyway? Maybe in the next life (little did I know at that point!). Boy, is her real-life other half one lucky lady! Yeah, Johnson, you can tell your girlfriend I envy her.

Tiffany and I have been getting along great, as always. Guess I got needlessly defensive there for a minute, as far as she’s concerned.

I gave her some paper earlier to use until she can give me some Monday, but I don’t think I’ll need it, after all.

There are other Ad-Segs in A Tower, Tiffany tells me. That ugly, dyky thing they call Zapata that got in a fight with someone in the big tank downstairs is still there. She’s been there since Ida and I were cellies.

Tate’s on now. On her walk I let her know I was down to 480 hours. Just 20 days to go! I just want to go home! NOW!!!

The juvies are quiet tonight. What a shock.

Tomorrow morning I want them to wake me up like they always do for the coffee cart so I can stock up on soda again.

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