Wednesday, October 8, 2003

Surprisingly, I’m still 127 pounds and I shit both yesterday and today. Still, I know I can’t stay where I’m at forever.

Tom suggested we keep the suppressants and vitamins they sent anyway, so I was like, yeah, yeah, okay. These pills would be ideal for people with normal metabolisms. They really do suppress the appetite. I took a vitamin, but if I start getting sluggish again, I’ll stop. It just seems like an expensive way to suppress one’s appetite, though, and as I said, I can’t hold my weight where it’s at forever.

As for the Russian hair people, I have a feeling I won’t be hearing from them again. I totally enjoy being a Baldilocks, though (especially when you compare this length to what I had before). How easy it is to care for and live with! It doesn’t look as good, but hey, if I were into looks as much as I once was, then I would starve myself day after day.

Samantha’s up to 54 views, but still no bids. I swear I’ll never ever bother ever again to try to make money! It’s so not meant to be.

Got a letter and drafts from Mary today. If all her correction requests were as easy as they were this time around, then she could have me as an editor as well. As I told her, deleting, adding and changing words is no problem. It’s the moving of sections that often frustrates and confuses me.

In better news, for just $1, I got 250 points and a $20 Toys R Us card. I joined a game site through Memolink. If you like it, you do nothing and your credit card is automatically billed monthly, but you can cancel anytime and still keep your points and gift certificate, which is just what I’m going to do. I have 15 days to do it. I’ll probably do it in a week. I just wanted the points and the certificate for a Barbie. I’m up to 818 points and we still don’t know if we’ll be able to get into the casinos.

I saw a movie with Amish people in it. Maybe it’s just my hate-everyone nature, but they make me sick! Not like other races do. They’re not vicious, just stupid and somewhat disturbed. To live in the past as if it were still the 1800s just seems really asinine. Why not take advantage of modern conveniences? It just seems like if you have to play pretend, so to speak, and live in a whole different world and time long past, you’re stuck in a time warp or in denial about reality. It just seems as silly as it’d be to have an infection and not take the antibiotics available that can end your misery and maybe even save your life.

I also dislike the Amish because they’re very Bible-oriented which means they’re prejudiced against gays. From everything I’ve been told, the bible preaches hatred towards gays. It also condemns women and makes them sound like inferior beings who are worthy of nothing more than domination, control and pain. It suggests women were merely put here to marry, bear children, and please man. It seems very few religious people don’t hate gays. Mary’s such a rare case. One couldn’t get any more tolerant and accepting than she is if they tried! I truly believe that a different woman could rape Mary every day for a year and still she wouldn’t have one prejudiced bone in her body.

Same with Tom. When I asked him if he’d be friends with a gay guy he said, “Why not? It’s the person you’re friends with, not their sexual preference.” As anyone knows, straight guys are the biggest bigots when it comes to gays, so that was cool of him. Tom’s definitely never been your typical straight guy. I mean, he is as far as the fact that he stinks when he does something physical and he’s a slob, but how many straight guys can tolerate gay guys and no sex? Not many!

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