Thursday, April 28, 2005

I heard them go back and forth at 3 AM last night. I still can’t figure out when they sleep. I hear them in the morning, I hear them in the afternoon, I hear them in the evening, I hear them in the middle of the night. There’s got to be more than just the mother and daughter there.

I checked out reading glasses when I was last at K-Mart. They do a good job of magnifying small print, but they don’t push things back away from me. That’d take a prescription, and my eyes still aren’t bad enough for that yet, not that we could afford to be dealing with that right now anyway. Whether or not we move anytime soon, and I doubt we will, our top priority is getting my teeth taken care of. Then we can move on to saving for the bed.

Tom saw an ad in The Nickel saying that the liquidators we once went to have to be out of the building by the 1st, so everything must go. This Saturday he’s going to check them out and see if they have any bikes or washers, but as I told him, we rarely get any breaks in life, so don’t get your hopes up too high. As it is I’m wondering if I’ll ever get anything for the puzzle contest. If that’s the case, you bet I’m not going to do any online contests! Not if they won’t give me whatever it is I win.

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