Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Yesterday morning at around 10:00, we heard the ATV buzzing about, but Jesse has yet to get down here and finish the roof. I hate it when someone can’t finish what they start! And it wouldn’t surprise me if once he did get down here he didn’t finish it then either, so he can have yet another excuse to pester us again later.

Someone, probably Jesse, has been doing some kind of work around here with a large vehicle of some kind that beeps when it backs up. Maybe it’s his grader.

There was a huge brown dog on the porch yesterday sniffing at the bags of bottles. At first I thought it was a small deer or a goat, that’s how big it was. It ran scared when it saw me in the slider. It’s no stray, though, as it had a blue collar on. It didn’t look like either of Jesse’s dogs either, so it’s probably the renter’s. I hope they won’t be here long, but not only do I know that the same thing would move in to replace them if they left, but they’re also obviously not planning on going anywhere anytime soon with all those dogs. Not many rentals will accept someone with 3-4 dogs. I looked at the place by satellite and it’s twice as big as this place, although it’s safe to say that most places are bigger than a 500-square-foot trailer. It’s got tons of trees surrounding it, but sure enough, the only place with a big enough clearing to house dogs, since it’s a no-no in the west to take them indoors, is on the side of the house facing ours.

I was shocked and pleased to wake up at 141.0 pounds, a new low since the lowest I’ve gone since being here was 141.4. I screwed up yesterday, too. Not as bad as the day before when I had 2000 calories, but bad enough with 1500. I just can’t discipline myself down to 1000 a day to speed things up, but oh well. There’s really no hurry. The running really helps, especially now that I’ve got room to really run. Walking may help too, but not nearly as much because it just doesn’t tax the heart like running does.

My waist is now down 2”. It’s 34” right now. About 11” bigger than it should be for my height, but I’ll settle for getting it somewhere in the 20s.

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