Saturday, September 27, 2008

I took Claritin yesterday and the day before. Of course, the first day it split my sleep in half and caused crazy dreams, but I slept ok last night. My ear still isn’t great, but it’s better. It’s just something I’ll have to suffer with on and off all my life, and there’s obviously nothing I can do about it, and it’s obvious God doesn’t want to help much with it either. I just hope He has a damn good reason for wanting me to live in pain so much of the time!

I ran two songs indoors yesterday until I had to stop because my calves were burning. I guess maybe I was going too fast when I ran outside and that’s why I tired out so fast.

I have two open stories still yet wouldn’t it figure that I just had to get a new story idea yesterday. And I just had to get it started while it was fresh in my mind. I typed 8 pages already. It’s called Rainbow Dreams. I’ll elaborate more on it some other time.

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