At last, the house is filled with good smells, both old and new. The package ended up getting damaged the first time around, so Elliot repacked it and shipped it overnight, which probably cost them $50 or so. It was cool to see it zip across the country and be in TN just after 1 AM, then just after 5 AM, it was over in Sacramento!
That would be a fun job if I were single, could keep a schedule and didn’t mind motels...flying FedEx planes all night. No drunks or traffic lights to have to deal with, and no people other than whoever was in the jump seat.
It finally rained again!
A couple of OLSers were applauding my bashing Brent, the owner of OLS, for how they’ve been operating things. People are still complaining like crazy about all the comment and blog sweeps, asking that they be put in their own category, reminding them that they’re the paying members, but does he care, no of course not! So in response to yet another thread that started bitching about it, I said hey, the guy obviously doesn’t care. Maybe if enough of us stop buying premium memberships and his money starts to dwindle, then he’ll care. For now, all we’re going to get are bogus promises of “improvement.” Yet since I’ve been a member, nothing has changed but the comment/blog trend.
One of the OLSers PM’d me to say she not only agreed with me but that she was surprised I didn’t get banned (she’s been banned 3 times for things she’s said). Obviously, I’m not the kind to worry what others think or do or else I wouldn’t have an online journal!
It really does suck, though. Not just the comment/blogs, but the “do this, do that” bullshit that seems to be getting worse. Recipes, trivia, videos, photos, essays – we can’t simply fill and submit the forms that much anymore! They continue to rudely delete a lot of my posts that have everything to do with the sweeps and aren’t the least bit rude in any way, they rarely ever answer my questions, and I’ve basically gotten nothing but rudeness the entire time I’ve been a member. I only put up with it because of how much I’ve won. But my wins have been down lately, and if Tom’s wrong about them picking up when the economy improves, I definitely won’t renew my membership, even though the premium sweeps are where most of the good ones are.
I’m getting fed up with Kiwi again. First they say they’ll send me a temporary tattoo and a full sticker sheet with points from my old account and all I get is the tattoo. I still haven’t received the CD I put in for on the 20th from this account, and now they’re ripping me off of points!!!!!! For two days now I haven’t gotten points for the slots and memory games I always play. What is wrong with these people??????
There’s probably more I could update on, but I’ve got enough other things to do, so I’m going to call this an entry!
It rained in the evening last night for the third time since we’ve been in Auburn. Then after he got in before midnight it came down hard and has been doing that off and on ever since. It was so nice just lying in the darkness listening to the sound of the rain falling.