Thursday, October 2, 2008

Well, I’ve got surprising and funny news today! Paula left a message yesterday! She sounded rather chipper but didn’t give a reason as to why she hasn’t contacted me in so long. She did say, though, that she got the package and that one of the smaller dolls broke. She also said that Justin set up an email account for her on a laptop and asked for my email, which is strange considering that I wrote it on the inside flap of the package. Out of it or not, sometimes I think she just likes to make me wonder about her!

So I called the number she left, was told to unblock the caller ID, then left a message. Only I’m not sure I got the right number cuz the person didn’t quite sound right. We’ll see, though. I told her I wasn’t going to call back and gave my email addy to her, saying I had so much to tell and ask her.

She asked about picking up a cheap friendship necklace cuz she doesn’t have much in the way of jewelry. Yeah, that’s Paula for you! I have a different necklace I never wear. I’ll send it next time I send incense, which she says she loved along with the other dolls and necklace, though she doesn’t wear the necklace cuz she’s paranoid. Yup, that’s definitely Paula for you. I’m ordering incense tonight, and was thinking how sad it was I’d no longer have anyone to pass the ones that I didn’t like onto until she called.

Typical dumb cock Jesse, who can’t listen and doesn’t get it when I ask to be called first for non-emergencies. Fortunately, I was up, though. Yeah, it came down at 5:00. Of course he had to have the dogs with him, too. The puppy’s full-grown now. It’s going to get cooler and rain (finally!) and he wanted to know when he could finish the roof which he said should take a couple of days. At least he was concerned about not bothering us too early. I told him Tom’s usually up by 10:00 and not to worry about my schedule because it’s got to be done. I’ve been getting up close to noon lately.

He obviously does have an older boy because he was chainsawing something while we talked, and I doubt even he, as dumb as he is, would let a 10-year-old use it.

He heard the shots too, and has seen the renter’s dogs which are huge and have an incredibly loud bark, and he fired his BB gun at them. He said he’s thinking of talking to them again, but I know it won’t do him any good. They’re going to let the damn things run loose 24/7, and they’re going to be here for however long we are. He says he’s not sure if it was them shooting or not because it’s “deer season.” I thought deer were active here year-round. Either way, the shots did seem softer than usual, so who knows? Besides, he said the cops were already out to talk to them once. Renters aren’t ones to be reasoned with, though, so it probably was them.

I mentioned hearing engine gunning “somewhere around here” to see if he’d say it was him or not. All he said was that they had a dirt bike.

Oh, and he’s been running up and down the driveway trying to get back into shape for going back to work. The doctor put him out longer cuz of his finger, and soon he’s got to have eye surgery for a cataract.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to the rain, but not the cooler weather. We’re definitely going to need heat Saturday night.

Firefox (or Firefuck as I sometimes call it) is colorblind. Colors don’t appear as they should with FF, but they do in other browsers.

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