Monday, March 9, 2009

Poor Tom is in pain right now. His feet are still mysteriously swollen, and when he was out running errands today he felt a pop at one point in one foot, and now he can hardly walk. We tried soaking his feet in warm water and massaging them after putting ice on them, but it hasn’t helped. He’s decided that come next Walmart run in about 10 days, he’ll try an over-the-counter water pill if it’s not better by then. He thinks it may have to do with varicose veins, a problem his dad had. I just hope it doesn’t hinder his getting a job should that opportunity ever arise!

In less than a week since my last drop to 130 pounds, I am now officially in the 120s! Barely, but I’m there. I woke up at 129.8. I’d say it’s definitely the change in exercise regimen that’s accelerated things. In a few weeks when we have extra money, I’ll dye my hair and take pics. So that’s 18 pounds down but at least 19 more to go!

All has been quiet so far today, but since I usually jinx myself when I write that, I don’t want to get into it much.

Let’s see…what else? I sort of missed posting daily entries on Kiwi and all the cool colors that go with that at their site, so I started back up with it. I figure that sometimes I’ll post there often and sometimes I won’t. It’ll depend on what’s going on.

We’ve been cleaning around here and trying to organize things. We don’t want to spend the $12 right now to take things to the dump while we’re this broke, so instead, he just took in some recyclables and got $9 for it. I just wish he wasn’t here so much! He’s always here and that makes it hard for me to concentrate on certain things and it gets old having him in the way when I’m trying to clean. In most rooms, it’s not an issue, but in this tiny place, there are only so many other places he can go to get out of my way.

He also called the propane company and they said they’ll be out tomorrow or the next day which really means the end of the week or beginning of next.

Sydney’s going to New York tomorrow.

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