Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Yesterday we never heard one single bark. Today, we heard a few barks after Jesse left on the motorcycle, but that’s it. They are getting better at not carrying on for too long, but I still wish we didn’t have to hear them at all. I’d settle for just once a week, though. When I went to hang towels right after Jesse left, I yelled up at them to be quiet and they stopped. Plus, Tom was out there rearranging the shed, so I think they felt less alone knowing people were close by.

Tom’s ankle is better today and the swelling in his feet went down after spending a couple of hours organizing things while I cleaned the living room, changed the rats’ cage, and did some laundry. It acted up a bit after he got off his feet, though. He may have problems with his feet, but at least he’s gone the longest without a cold since I’ve known him! Like over a year now.

He also dropped the doll off at the post office so it was a productive day. It’s nice to have the living room less cluttered now that our eBay endeavor is slowly winding down. All we really have left to sell at the moment is a few more fashions, some books, and maybe some turquoise.

The propane guy amazed us by coming today, so that’s one less thing to have to worry about for about 6-8 weeks.

It got warm enough to keep the heat off for the day, but not enough to open windows. The car is so shiny and clean after all the rain that’s been dumped on it.

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