Right now I’m pissed at Tom for lying to Jesse – or starting to until I came out and contradicted him –by saying “no” when he asked if the dogs ever barked all day. All had been fine until then as Jesse had obviously done something to lessen it when Tom first mentioned it to him over the phone, but now things are back to the way they have been with the on-and-off barking sprees, some lasting too long for comfort. Now that Tom’s made me look like a complete idiot, I can’t say anything about it now and be believed. Now he’s got Jesse all confused by not telling the truth as to the extent of the barking.
Why is he so kissy-ass when it comes to neighbors?! It really frustrates me! And when am I going to learn to do things my way and stop giving in to him? I wanted to slip Jesse a note months ago and I stupidly let him talk me out of it. Now, though, if I try to tell Jesse it’s bad again, he’s not going to know who to believe. Sure, there’s still a chance he may not have given a damn anyway. He may’ve very well come out and said, “It’s my place, my dogs, so if you don’t like it, leave,” but Tom playing things down shoots any chance of him caring enough to do something now.
My first thought was to hell with getting a puppy if we’re offered one! I spend so much time trying not to have to listen to other people’s dogs, so why would I want to listen to my own? On the other hand, if I just let it bark and bark and bark right outside here, it’d make other dogs seem like nothing. Hey, why not? No one would mind. How could they when they’re all doing the same thing; letting their dogs bark.
I should’ve known better than to sweat my schedule over Jesse and that “tomorrow” really means weeks or even months from now because he hasn’t been down with the bulldozer.
We had some warmer weather, but it’s going to rain again soon.
Still nothing in the way of wins, but this really comes as no surprise when 80% of the prizes are for kids. Freddie, a regular on OLS that everyone loves who is in a wheelchair and a computer wizard who helps anyone who needs it, sent me a link to another sweeps site. Although I didn’t like the layout as much and it didn’t have a Shazam feature to open multiple sweeps at once, it looks very promising. Most of the prizes are for adults, and if things don’t change by November when my subscription expires at OLS, I am not renewing. As Freddie said, the MODS think it’s funny as hell posting 5 pages a day of blog sweeps, but a lot of members don’t think it is and so they’re not renewing their subscriptions. Well, I know I’m not renewing mine if things don’t change, and I doubt they’d be this way this long if they cared enough to change things. Until Brent, who everybody hates, starts giving a damn about his members, he’s just going to keep losing them. When the money starts dwindling, then maybe he’ll care. All I know is that I didn’t join OLS for designer burp cloths, I didn’t join to leave comments or reviews, and I didn’t join for “friends” either. They’re not MySpace, Facebook or Kiwibox! Yet they’re fast becoming little more than a social site for moms. This other site is just a sweep site for all. They do have forums, offers and ads because it’s free, but it’s still a lot like the old OLS, the one I happily joined 4 years ago. So unless it too, changes at any point, I’ll be going over there at the end of the year. I don’t need a Shazam feature so much anymore since I quit wasting my time doing tons and tons of dailies.
I just talked to Tom and he said they were talking about two different things. He said Jesse was asking if they barked all day during the last week. I thought he meant before that. Either way, we’re not escaping the barking curse anytime soon, so we may as well get our own and join the club.
Now I’m even more pissed at myself for fucking up my diet today. I had around 1600 calories so I’ll be up tomorrow, even though I exercised, and even if it’s only by half a pound. Why am I so damn hungry some days?! I want so badly to try to puke up what I just ate, but Tom is always here!
The cure for the 600 extra calories I mentioned having in my last entry was to run a total of an hour. I usually do 20-30 minutes a day. But after getting carried away, I decided that rather than sit around and mope about it, I’d do an additional half-hour run and I did. My feet were a little hot, red and sore afterward, but I just rubbed lotion into them and then they were fine. I actually got more protests from my hips, but they’re fine now too, sitting down, resting comfortably. So that was about a 3-mile run altogether today, maybe a little more, and about a 600-cal burn.
Jesse came back on the motorcycle around 7:00 and I haven’t heard anything since. The last fit they took, which was the only one that was really annoying because it lasted more than just a few seconds, was because some other dog went off and stirred them up. I just worry that it’s going to be bad again.
Anyway, Angelina now has two bids, but Tyler still doesn’t have any. We’ll just have to see what happens in 19 hours when it ends.
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