Monday, November 23, 2009

Tom says he read that they’re talking about the jobs opening back up in the first quarter of next year. Funny how they’re always “talking,” but never doing. And I’m sick to death of religion playing a part in EVERYTHING, and I don’t just mean who can marry who. Even the so-called healthcare reform is being based on religion, and I just want to shout in their faces, “Yo, I am not a fucking catholic!” I’m sick of so many people being forced to live in certain ways based on what other people believe. Just sick of it. So while the bible-thumping religious freaks are fighting over whether or not a woman should decide for herself what to do with her own life/body, many have to continue on uninsured.

Tom says that as uncomfortable as it may be, the fact that my back bottom molar is hurting all the time now is a good sign that it’s dying. Even yogurt stirs it up.

In better news, we listed two dolls yesterday and one already has a bid! That’s the 33” black child doll. The 22” white lady doll still has no bids.

Also, I made $22 yesterday! That’s my biggest day so far. My grand total since October 1st, counting pending jobs, is between $225 - $250. Not bad for doing a few minutes here and a few minutes there of work in the comfort of home. No having to spend money on gas or uniforms. No having to deal with nasty bosses or rude coworkers. I still wish Tom could get a job, though! Not just for the extra money, but so I could have the place to myself more often.

Anyway, there’s nothing like waking up each day, logging into my account, and seeing how much more money has come in while I sleep since they don’t always pay you the instant you do a job.

I cleaned the kitchen today. It took a whole hour as small as it is because I like to be thorough.

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