Thursday, November 5, 2009

The doll has 40 views and 4 watchers, but no bids yet with 2 days and 17 hours left to go. Hope she sells! But it won’t hurt us if she doesn’t. She’s just one of those dolls I’ve had around here that’s just so-so that I figured would be worth having us make a few extra bucks if possible.

I’m working on making a few extra bucks on Twitter too, and my main job is going super well. I thought I might stand a better chance with Revtwt than with Google AdSense since more people see my tweets than my journals/blogs (I think).

Tom said he didn’t hear anything throughout the day, but right before I crashed at 7:00 this morning, Whiskey was going crazy. I wish someone would shoot just him if we can’t lose all 3 of them! He does most of the barking.

Jesse gave Tom his cell number yesterday and told him to call him at work today if there were any problems, but there weren’t. But by the end of the year, I’m sure there will be. Old place or not, rural or not, we can’t go more than a month or two without some problem pertaining to the well or plumbing here. Tom says it’s normal, but I disagree. The dump we lived in in Oregon was much older than this place and we had like 3 problems the whole 2 years we were there, one of which wasn’t even related to plumbing.

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