Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I’m currently proofreading my journal where we were stuck with Patty and her damn dog, and I had just started sweeping. My first win was a pair of men’s shoes for Tom, and I said, “I’d prefer a big cash prize most of all, but would happily settle for a vehicle, a cruise, a house or a gift certificate worth hundreds of dollars at a store. Even a bottle of perfume would be nicer than shoes.”

Wow, sometimes we really do get what we wish for in life since I went on to win all of these things but the house! I’m just sorry it all had to end when the economy went to hell. Maybe someday I’ll crank out the wins once again, but not anytime soon. Thank God for MT in the meantime! In less than 10 minutes I made $10 today!

The weather was nice today, though I’m not sure Jesse worked. When I went to pee one last time at 5:30, I never heard the dogs. Anyway, most days we don’t need the heat, but we always need it at night now. The only time we need to run it round the clock is when it rains since the clouds always prevent the sun from warming up the place.

I’ve dropped my workouts to Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays now that I know beyond a doubt that I’m not going to lose any more weight. And so now I’m officially in the maintain status.

Paula left a message earlier when the phone was dead, but now it’s too late to call her back. It’s almost Christmas so she probably just wants something. Ah, but she’s not going to get anything unless she pays me! And I’m not going to play email setup games with her either.

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