Saturday, October 9, 2010

Yesterday was an absolutely shitty day for me. I spent so much of it in pain it’s a miracle I got anything done around here. I had to pop pain pills like crazy and was so close to taking a hammer to these fucking teeth which are dying like crazy. Tom said the horrible achiness was due to a tooth dying and that it would stop in an instant soon enough. I just laughed because I never felt such horrible pain with the others who died, but it’s true. After a day and a half of it giving me hell, I woke up today pain-free at least from that tooth. Others, along with my ear, are still bothering me. My ear is getting better, though, as we’ve been oiling it and softening the dead skin that can’t fucking shed itself out.

I’m so fucking sick of always having some kind of problem! Had anyone come down here yesterday and just looked at me wrong, I’d have trashed the hell out of them. If I hadn’t been so exhausted by the time Jesse took off for the night I’d have had to really restrain myself from strangling his fucking dogs, too. I wanted to do my language studies but it was just way too noisy.

I also had heart palpitations like crazy.

I just don’t know what to do as far as a dentist goes! I want to go now, but what if he gets laid off? And of course if we paid for it, then we got insured, I’d be so fucking pissed to have spent all the money it’d cost for the dentures I need. I just don’t know what to do!

The only fun highlight of the day yesterday was the rat. He is everywhere these days! He’s the best climber we’ve ever had, so I really have to watch him. He got himself stuck on top of the laundry hamper. Then he was walking along Tom’s keyboard shelf when he got up to get something from the kitchen, LOL. He even tries to climb the blinds, but he’s too heavy for that now.

I don’t know if I can stay out of pain long enough, but if I can I might finish chapter 18. No promises, though. What’s really exciting is that I can now see the beginning of the end of this book! I’m about to set the stage for the exciting conclusion. I should be able to get it done in 2-3 more chapters! Good. Then I can finally move on to other projects. :) Nane’s going to be in my next book. It could take up to a month to do the final editing of Evil Amongst the Evergreens.

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