Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Last night I fell asleep at a reasonable hour for once and dreamt of the perfect ending to my story! So now I know exactly how the story is going to end. I had a general idea, but no details until now. Can’t say how, though, and spoil the surprise.

I realized that if what had happened in real life with the part of the story where Joni and Maliheh are in the bar when the trigger-happy psycho comes around, they’d probably have to testify as witnesses in court. Maybe I should go back in the final copy and have Maliheh kill the guy so they won’t have to, LOL. Or have him plead guilty.

Some of the feelings I’ve expressed and the comments I’ve received have got me thinking of this whole forgiveness thing and my being too nice and too tolerant like some people say. Actually, it was the other way around for quite some time. From around the early 90s to not so long ago I was probably one of the least forgiving people you could ever meet. But then I realized that people weren’t created to be perfect, and we all make mistakes. This doesn’t mean I could forgive everyone who’s ever wronged me. How much is too much to forgive? Well, I guess we all have our ideas of what should and shouldn’t be forgiven. I myself base it on the seriousness of whatever it was that was done to me, and how often. Marie was hardly serious at all, but she kept doing the same shit over and over again that she promised she’d stop doing. What was done to me by our old neighbors in Phoenix and their corrupt pig pal is way too serious to ever forgive. I don’t think I ever could even if they apologized to me right now and handed me a check for a million bucks. Furthermore, I hope their lives are pure hell.

When Tom first got this job, we figured he’d get other offers as that’s how it usually works. But to our surprise, no one called. But then yesterday he got another job offer. The lady he spoke to was bummed out that he’d already found work but said to keep her in mind if he ever needs another job. So we still would’ve been saved, but that would’ve really been cutting it close! Next Sunday would have been the last time he mailed in a form.

I noticed a new regular about a week ago from another country. It turns out they work for MyOpera. They warned me about a particular member being a scammer which they banned. So that was nice of them to look out for me, and I guess there’s no need to worry about my blog being too intense for their standards since they’d have banned me, too.

Today’s cousin Sharyn’s 61st birthday, so I wished her a happy one on Facebook.

The chest pains and palpitations had eased off for a while and I had been doing well, but about a week ago they started up again. Still don’t know what causes them and what it means. Why is it that I always seem to have more questions in life than answers?

Now it’s time to get started with the day’s workout, cleaning and writing, and begin another day of feeling alienated from those online beings I’d like to hear from most. And I’ll be afraid to reach out to them while I’m at it, not wanting to come off as too pushy and persistent, wishing I could be a cold, calloused bitch who couldn’t care less about anyone else but herself. If they would just email me a few times a day for a week or two I’d get sick of them in no time, LOL.


I can see that Nane’s logged into LM twice since I sent her a message on Facebook, which I’d be willing to bet she’s already read, and so yeah, she’s basically a waste of time. I’m not going to hear much from her. She’s just too sane and too gorgeous to feel the same way I do.

Maliheh was in a couple of hours ago and hit 5 pages no doubt looking for comments left in regards to her. She can’t be interested in me, could she? LOL, somehow I doubt she’s interested in how shiny my glitter nail polish is or that I’m pissed that it’s chilly out and feeling alienated by Nane.


The dogs ran up to see me. It was so cute the way both of them ambushed me. Whiskey’s still the friendliest, though, and Brandy took off a second later. I’m amazed at these dogs’ strength! Whiskey wasn’t sure whether or not he should follow Brandy, but reluctantly decided that yeah, he should go chase his girlfriend. A minute later he came back to me, though I had already jumped inside, figuring I had enough weeds all over me.

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